31 May Standing Hamstring Curl – Band
HOW: Anchor a band at ankle height. Attach the band around the arch of your foot. Begin by balancing on one leg with the option to use a wall or an object for upper body support. Keeping tension in the hips and the torso, bring...
30 May Single Leg Hamstring Pull Down – Quick, Band
HOW: Anchor a band at or above head height. Grabbing onto the band, pull it towards you as you assume a face up lying position on the floor. Anchor the band around your ankle. Use the other leg to help push the resisted side towards...
26 Apr Double Leg Hamstring Curl – Machine
HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the leg straight and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the knee cap, ensuring the leg does not move. Hold onto the handles...
26 Apr Double Leg Leg Press – Machine
HOW: Find a seated position in the leg press machine with your feet comfortably hip width apart. Stabilize the upper body and core by grasping the handles to the side. Bring the legs up to the plate of the leg press. Keeping pressure through the...
26 Apr Eccentric Hamstring Curl – Machine
HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the legs straight and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the knee cap, ensuring the leg does not move. Hold onto the handles...
26 Apr Eccentric Knee Extension – Machine
HOW: Get into a seated position in the knee extension machine. Place the pad just above your ankle joints. Make sure that the ankles are below the knee. Anchor and stabilize your upper body and core by grasping the handles. Push into the pads to...
26 Apr Eccentric Leg Press – Machine
HOW: Find a seated position in the leg press machine. Stabilize the upper body and core by grasping the handles to the side. Bring the legs up to the plate of the leg press. Keeping pressure through the toes and the heels, push the plate...
26 Apr Hamstring Curl – Quick, Machine
HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the leg straight and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the kneecap, ensuring the leg does not move. Hold onto the handles in...
26 Apr Isometric Single Leg Hamstring Curl – 45 Deg, Machine
HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the legs at a 45 deg angle and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the knee cap, ensuring the leg does not...
26 Apr Isometric Single Leg Knee Extension – Machine
HOW: Get into a seated position in the knee extension machine. Place the pad just above your ankle joint. Make sure that the ankle is below the knee. Anchor and stabilize your upper body and core by grasping the handles. Find a weight that you...