Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out the front part of your thigh! You want to avoid any bony landmarks like your actual hip bone and knee.  Essentially roll the entire area between those bones. You only need to spend a...

Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your posterior thigh! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....

HOW: Get into a squat position, as deep as you want. Slowly shift weight to one side, and then the other. The goal is to get comfortable with more weight on one leg.   FEEL: You should feel the muscles in your thigh work harder...

HOW:  Begin this exercise by the balance on one leg next to a fall. Place your back foot on the wall behind you to give you some support to make balancing easier. Next focus on hinging primarily at the hips. This is achieved by...

HOW: Sit on a box/bench/object of the desired height. The taller, the easier. Stand up from the box using both of your legs. Once standing, shift all your weight to one leg and lift the opposite leg in the air. Slowly lower yourself down...

HOW: Set-up a box or object behind you, the taller it is the easier the exercise will be. Lift one leg straight in front of you, and then sit back with good squat form only on one leg, trying to be as controlled as...

HOW: Take a quick step outwards into a lateral lunge position. Get deep into the lunge position by bending your outside hip and knee. Then explosively push yourself back to the starting position, balancing on your opposite leg. The goal of this exercise is...

HOW: Take a quick step forward into a forward lunge position. Get deep into the lunge position by bending your front knee. Then explosively push yourself backwards and up, balancing on your opposite leg. The goal of this exercise is to work on explosively...

HOW: Begin with your mid-back against a bench or elevated surface. Bring one knee up towards your chest. While keeping your chin tucked, thrust your hips towards the ceiling. Focus on driving into the floor with your heel and tuck your tailbone (AKA posteriorly...

HOW: Begin with your mid-back against a bench or elevated surface with your feet hip width apart. Place a resistance band just above your knees. While keeping your chin tucked, thrust your hips towards the ceiling. Focus on driving into the floor with your...
