HOW: Begin by lying on your back with the hips and knees at 90 degrees, legs resting on a Swiss ball.  You're gonna take a breath in through the belly relaxing the pelvic floor. As you breathe out, bring your ribs down towards your...

HOW: Begin in a child’s pose position with a pillow or blanket rolled up underneath the hips. The knees should be wider than the hips. Also an option to rotate the hips inward, bringing the ankles out. You can also have your head supported...

HOW: Begin in a hands and knees position. As you breathe in, breathe into the belly and the area between the sits bones, letting the pelvic floor relax. Let the belly sink towards the floor to arch the spine. Breathe out bringing the ribs down, contracting...

HOW: Start by lying on your back near a wall. Place both feet flat up against the wall. Find 90 degrees bend at the knees and the hips. The low back is flat against the floor. Extend your arms straight with a forward reach. Begin...

HOW: Grab a lacrosse ball, softball, or any other high-density ball. Begin in a lying position, on your stomach. Finding the bony front side of your pelvis, place the ball just below this point. Begin to put your weight on the front and towards...

HOW: Begin this exercise sitting with your legs straddling the back of the chair to help brace your hips and low back. Once in this position, cross your arms across your chest and quickly rotate your body towards one side for the prescribed amount...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot up towards you as well as point the foot out, proceed with the exercise,...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot up towards you and out to the side in an everted position, proceed with...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot inward and the foot up towards you while gently bringing the hip in towards...
