HOW: Begin this exercise sitting with your legs straddling the back of the chair to help brace your hips and low back. Once in this position, cross your arms across your chest and quickly rotate your body towards one side for the prescribed amount...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot up towards you as well as point the foot out, proceed with the exercise,...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot up towards you and out to the side in an everted position, proceed with...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot inward and the foot up towards you while gently bringing the hip in towards...

HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot down and in with your knees bent, slowly straighten your knee as you pull...

HOW: Begin this exercise laying on your stomach with your arms overhead in a “Y” position and thumbs facing up. From this position, bring your arms up off the floor by pulling with your shoulder blades. Once this position is stable, alternate your arms...

HOW: For this exercise begin in a seated position with a strap like object slung over one shoulder and tucked under the opposite hip like a seatbelt. The strap should be tucked at the base of the neck. From here, gently pull the strap...

HOW: Begin this exercise laying on your back with your heels resting comfortably on a swiss ball with your knees straight. Once in this position, gently bend your knees bringing your knees towards your chest in a controlled manner. As you bring your knees...

HOW: Begin this stretch by having a resistance band anchored overhead and assume a half kneeling position with the knee of the side you want to stretch planted on the ground. From this position, grab onto the band overhead, tuck the pelvis to a neutral...

  HOW: Begin in a half kneeling position with the knee closest to the wall planted and the opposite foot planted firmly on the ground in front of you. From here, grab a swiss ball and push the swiss ball into the wall at shoulder...
