HOW: While in a deep squat position hold onto a stable surface. Slowly lean towards one side while driving your body and your knee forward. Repeat on the other side.   FEEL: The more you drive your body forward the more you will bias a...

HOW: Squat down as far as you can while attempting to keep the heels down towards the floor. Then place your arms inside of your legs. From this position drive your knee out as far as you can while allowing the foot to stay...

This ACL Injury Prevention Program is designed to be used in field sports like soccer, football, rugby, lacrosse, etc.    The program is designed in 3 distinct phases.    Phase I: Dynamic Warm Up Phase II: Foundational Strengthening (Hip/core) Phase III: Movement Coordination/Plyometrics/Cutting   Phase I Setup: 2 rows of 6 parallel cones,...

HOW: Begin this exercise by balancing on one leg while holding onto the TRX handles. Next, focus on hinging primarily at the hips. This is achieved by bring your torso forward and pushing your butt back. Kicking out the back leg may make it...

HOW: Get set-up standing with a box or object in front of you that you can put one foot up on. The side that remains down on the ground is the one getting the stretch. Put one foot up, perform a posterior pelvic tilt,...

HOW: Start in a standing position, then lift one leg up and perform max hip flexion followed by abduction, internal rotation, extension, and adduction. Reverse and repeat. See video for tips.   FEEL: You will feel muscles all around your hip as well as throughout...

HOW: Get set-up standing with a box or object in front of you that you can put one foot up on. The side that remains down on the ground is the one getting the stretch. Put one foot up, perform a posterior pelvic tilt,...

HOW: Start in a quadruped position, then lift one leg up and perform max extension, external rotation, abduction and flexion, Reverse and repeat. See video for tips.    FEEL: You will feel muscles all around your hip as well as throughout your entire body working...

HOW: Lay on your side and follow the video for tips and instructions. Decide whether you want to stretch the top leg or bottom leg, discover which one feels better for you.   FEEL: You should feel a stretch in the front of your thigh...
