07 Aug Calf Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your calves! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....
07 Aug Adductor Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your Adductors! This muscle group attaches onto the pelvis which is what your low back sits on, so you can see how tightness here may influence your low back! You only need to spend...
07 Aug Quadriceps Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out the front part of your thigh! You want to avoid any bony landmarks like your actual hip bone and knee. Essentially roll the entire area between those bones. You only need to spend a...
07 Aug TFL And IT Band Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your TFL, IT band, and lateral thigh muscles! You want to avoid any bony landmarks your hip bone and knee bone. Essentially roll the entire area between those bones. You only need to spend...
07 Aug Hamstring Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your posterior thigh! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....
07 Aug Glute Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out the muscles in your hips! You want to avoid any bony landmarks like your sitbones. Everywhere else on your hips you are welcome to roll as long as you want! You only need to...
03 Aug Median Nerve Tensioner – General
HOW: Place your opposite hand on your shoulder to keep it down. Then reach out in front of you with our palm facing inwards and your fingers pointed forward. Then bend your wrist backwards and slowly bring your arm out to your side while...
03 Aug Ankle Plantarflexion – Band
HOW: Place a resistance band around your forefoot. Using your hands, apply resistance to the band (shown in the video). Your goal is to slowly push your ankle down. Slowly return back to the starting position. FEEL: You should feel the muscles on the...
03 Aug Ankle Plantarflexion And Inversion – Band
HOW: Place a resistance band around your forefoot. Use your other foot to apply a line of resistance that is to the outside and closer than your working ankle (shown in the video). Your goal is to slowly push your ankle in a down...
03 Aug Ankle Plantarflexion And Eversion – Band
HOW: Place a resistance band around your forefoot. Use your other foot to apply a line of resistance that is to the inside and closer than your working ankle (shown in the video). Your goal is to slowly push your ankle in a down...