24 Apr Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
HOW: Get set-up in a half kneeling position, the side you want to stretch should be the side with the knee down. To begin the stretch, perform a posterior pelvic tilt to flatten your lower back, this will help with the hip flexor stretch....
24 Apr Tall Kneeling Sprinkler
HOW: Get set-up in a tall kneeling position with one hand reached in front of you, and one hand behind your head. While keeping your lower body still and hips pointed forward, reach forward with the arm in front of you as far as...
30 Mar Thread The Needle – Foam Roller
HOW: Get set-up on the ground on your hands and knees with a foam roller to the side you. Sit your butt back towards your heels as far as you can that you feel comfortable with. With your arm that is further away from...
17 Mar Self Neck Stretch
HOW: Place your fist underneath your chin on top of your chest bone. In this position use your opposite hand to fulcrum your head over the fist underneath your chin. Change the angle you pull to feel, you can pull up towards the ceiling...
17 Mar Median Nerve Slider
HOW: To glide your median nerve- extend your elbow, wrist, and hand while keep your shoulder elevated to about 90 degrees and you’re bending your neck towards the arm you are extending. Then slowly flex or bring in your hand, wrist, and elbow as...
17 Mar Median Nerve Tensioner
HOW: To tension your median nerve- extend your elbow, wrist, and hand while keep your shoulder elevated to about 90 degrees and you’re bending your neck away from the arm you are extending. Then slowly flex or bring in your hand, wrist, and elbow...
03 Mar Wrist Extensor Soft Tissue Mobilization – Flexbar
HOW: Get set-up seated with the forearm you want to target supported on a surface. Using a flexbar or other object with your opposite arm, roll out the forearm extensor muscles. Use as much pressure as you feel comfortable with, do not cause excessive...
03 Mar Wrist Extensor Stretch – Contract Relax
HOW: Get set-up seated and start with your elbow flexed on the side that you want to stretch. Using your other hand, flex your wrist until you feel a stretch. Once you feel a stretch, try to extend your wrist by pushing into your...
17 Feb Thoracic Spine Mobilization – Overhead Reach
HOW: Place the foam roller perpendicular to your spine onto a segment which you want to work on (personally I like to work from bottom to top). Now elevate your arms as far back as you can-in an attempt to touch the floor. This...
26 Jan Seated Thoracic Mobilization – Towel
HOW: Place a rolled up towel roll, shirts, or any other fabric. The goal is to make a ‘fulcrum’ that we can use to mobilize your mid back similar to a foam roller. Place the object in your mid back and drive the upper...