HOW: Begin lying on your stomach with your elbows bent at your side and your hands on the ground in a relaxed position. From here, push yourself up and bring one knee up towards your chest. Load onto that leg and begin to sprint...

HOW: Start in a half kneeling by having one knee bent up in front of you with your foot directly in line with the knee that is down on the ground. Stay tall while looking straight ahead. Close your head and hold this balancing...

HOW: Grab onto a towel with both hands and start in a standing position while holding the towel at chest height. Begin the crow hop by taking your outside foot and crossing it over the other foot. Then, take the original inside foot and...

HOW: Grab a medball and start in a standing position while holding the ball at chest height. Begin the crow hop by taking your outside foot and crossing it over the other foot. Then, take the original inside foot and step back in front...

HOW: Get cones set up in a triangle pattern. Standing in front of one cone facing another cone, begin advancing to that cone by staying on your toes and quickly stepping to the cone with your knees bent and upper half slightly hinged forward...

HOW: Begin in a half kneeling position. One knee is bent up with your foot flat on the ground and the other knee is on the ground with your toes pushing into the ground. From here, raise your body up by pushing into the...

HOW: Position a barbell on the front on your shoulders and point your elbows straight out as you hold onto the bar with your palms up. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart. Hinge forward slightly at the hips and bend your knees performing...

HOW: Begin by standing behind a barbell that is racked in a position that is straight out from your collarbone. As you come up to the bar, grab it with both hands about shoulder width apart. The bar should be comfortably sitting on the...

HOW: Find your “power stance”, or the stance you would set up in if you were told to jump as high as you can. This is your starting position. Before you lift he bar all the way up, pause as soon as the bar...

HOW: Start by lying on the floor with your knees bent up and feet flat. Flatten your back by contracting your core and performing a pelvic tilt. From here, lift your legs up with your knees bent and arms straight up pointing both to...
