HOW:  Place the back of your head against the wall.  Perform a chin tuck, this is achieved by attempting to create a double chin or by pushing the small of your neck towards the wall.   FEEL:  You will feel the muscles on the front...

HOW: Follow the instructions in this video to perform circles with your mid-back. Start small and slowly increase the size of the circles.   FEEL: You will feel the mid back stretching throughout this movement.   COMPENSATION: Avoid moving the lower back and neck with this...

HOW:  Stand facing a resistance band with the anchor coming from shoulder height. While holding onto a band, pull back your shoulder blade as far as you can. Make sure to stand back far enough to allow your shoulder blade to come forward when...

HOW: Place one hand on your chin with the opposite hand on the back of your head. Create a passive chin tuck using your hands, bend your head to one side, then rotate your head up towards the ceiling and hold this position. If...

HOW: Begin this exercise upright. Keep the hand of the side to be stretched behind your back. Bring your nose towards the opposite armpit (here I am showing my nose going to the Left armpit). This requires you to flex your head forward, sidebend...

HOW: Begin this exercise upright. Keep the hand of the side to be stretched behind your back. Bring your ear towards the opposite armpit (here I am showing the Left ear to the Left armpit). This requires you to flex your head forward, sidebend...

HOW: Start by lying face down with your arms out to the side of your in the shape of a "Y". Tuck your chin slightly and lift your head off the ground while still looking down. Then lift just your upper back off the...

HOW: Start by lying face down with your arms out to the side of your in the shape of a "W". Tuck your chin slightly and lift your head off the ground while still looking down. Then lift just your upper back off the...
