12 Mar Walking Pigeon Stretch
HOW: Shift your weight to one leg as you bend the opposite knee and place the lower leg over the top of the knee on the leg you're standing on. Hinge forward at the hips keeping your back flat and slightly sink down on your...
12 Mar Standing Toe Raise
HOW: Stand by an object or wall to help with your balance. Stand as tall as you can with your feet about shoulder width apart. Raise your toes up keeping your heels on the ground. Lift them up and down for the prescribed amount of...
12 Mar Seated Spine Stretch
HOW: Start in a seated position with your legs spread about shoulder width apart (or the width of a mat) and sit up tall and upright. Reach your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height. From here, pull your belly button in...
12 Mar Single Leg Heel Raise – Box Support, Weight
HOW: Stand behind an elevated surface or box. Grab onto a dumbbell in one hand. Place the opposite foot and leg onto the box with your foot flat and knee bent. Stay tall and straight as you push into the ground with the foot on...
12 Mar Pogos – In Place
HOW: Have your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Push into the ground with your toes lifting your heels slightly off of the ground in a small hopping motion. Continue this motion quickly as you hop up and down staying on the balls of...
12 Mar Standing Row – Landmine, Meadow
HOW: Stand at the end of a barbell in a staggered stance with the leg closest to the weight back and your opposite leg forward. Have your feet about shoulder width apart. The barbell should be centered in between your legs. From here, hinge forward...
12 Mar Long Sitting Ankle Pump – AROM
HOW: Start in a seated position with your legs and feet together out in front of you. Place your arms to the side to help provide support as needed. Keep your legs straight as you point your toes up and down as much as tolerated...
10 Mar Single Leg Triple Hop Assessment
This is a great assessment to look at your single leg power and control. Set up a starting line on the ground with an object or piece of tape. You will need to start with your toe behind the line and your hands on your...
10 Mar Single Leg Hop Test For Distance
HOW: Set up a starting line on the ground with an object or piece of tape. You will need to start with your toe behind the line and your hands on your hips. From here, hop forwards with the one foot on the line and...
10 Mar Lateral Step Down Assessment
The Lateral Step Down Assessment is a reliable way to test your strength and endurance one leg compared to the other. Set up a step on the ground that is 20cm tall(~8in). Stand on one side of the step with the opposite leg off the...
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