HOW: Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step back with the side you plan to stretch. While keeping the foot you stepped back with flat on the ground, knee straight, and...

HOW: Get set-up seated with your back supported and support your leg by wrapping your arm under your knee. While keeping your thigh still, rotate your shin bone side-to-side, it is ok for the ankle to help drive the motion.   FEEL: You should feel...

HOW: Get set-up seated on the edge of a surface with your feet hanging off at a 90Ëš angle. To begin the exercise, rotate your ankle and shinbone out as far as you can while keeping this position kick the leg straight until your...

HOW: Get set-up standing with a band around and above the knee with the band anchored in front of you. To perform the exercise, put tension on the band so that it wants to pull your knee forward, let your knee bend and your...

HOW: Begin the exercise in a tall plank position. Perform the exercise by bending your knees until just before they touch the ground followed by squeezing your quads to fully straighten your knees, hold that position, then repeat.   FEEL: You will feel your quad...

HOW: Begin this exercise in a staggered stance position with one foot on an elevated surface, the foot on the ground is the side you will stretch. With both feet facing forward, tuck your tailbone and shift your weight forward.   FEEL: You should feel...

HOW: Get set-up standing. On the side, you want to stretch, grab your foot and pull it back towards your butt by bending your knee. Keep a flat back, squeeze your butt muscle to push your hip forward, and have your knee directly below...

HOW: Get set-up standing in front of a wall with your arms supported on a foam roller that is also supported on the wall. With your thumbs facing towards you and putting pressure into the wall through the foam roller so that it doesn't...

HOW: Get set-up on your hands and knees, on the side you want to perform the stretch kick your leg out to the side with the knee straight and foot lined up with your other knee. Find a neutral pelvic position with your low...

HOW: Get set-up on your hands and knees, on the side you want to perform the stretch kick your leg out to the side with the knee straight and foot lined up with your other knee. Find a neutral pelvic position with your low...
