11 Nov Pec Major Stretch
HOW: Get set-up next to a wall or doorway and place your hand up on the wall to create a 90 degree angle at your elbow, your elbow should be at shoulder height and your hand should be above head height. Perform the pec...
11 Nov Pec Major Stretch – Head Turn
HOW: Get set-up next to a wall or doorway and place your hand up on the wall to create a 90 degree angle at your elbow, your elbow should be at shoulder height and your hand should be above head height. Perform a pec...
11 Nov Chest Opener – Hands Behind Head
HOW: Get set-up with your hands behind your head in a seated position. To perform the stretch, pinch your shoulder blades back together and move your elbows out and back to open up your chest. As you do this also focus on lifting your...
11 Nov Ankle Dorsiflexion Mobilization – Dynamic, Box
HOW: Get your foot set-up and supported on an elevated surface while balancing on the other leg. To perform the mobilization, bring your knee and shin bone forward over your toes while keeping your heel down on the ground. Follow along with the video...
28 Oct Groin Flow
Follow along in the video as Mike walks you through a groin flow. There is no required sets, reps, or amount of time to spend on each portion of the groin flow. Rather, listen to your body and spend as much time as you feel...
28 Oct Supine Pelvic Tilt
WHY: This exercise will help you to learn low back and pelvic body awareness. Learning body awareness in these regions is important when trying to manage pain now and in the future. This exercise also promotes motion in this region and can help with...
17 Oct Standing QL Stretch
HOW: Example - right TFL. Get set-up standing followed by taking a step backwards and to the opposite side. For example, if you step with your right foot, it should be behind and to the left of your left foot. Now reach up into...
17 Oct Seated March
HOW: Get set-up seated with your feet supported on the ground. While keeping your trunk upright and tall and low back relatively neutral, lift one knee up towards the ceiling while keeping your knee bent. Hold for a moment, then lower down and perform...
17 Oct Prone Hip External And Internal Rotation – AROM
HOW: Get set-up laying on your stomach with your knee bent at 90 degrees so that your shin is facing up towards the ceiling. While keeping your hips and pelvis flat and parallel to the ground, slowly let your foot fall out to one...
17 Oct Long Sitting Hip Internal and External Rotation – AROM
HOW: Get set-up on the ground supporting yourself with your arms and with your knees bent. Let both knees fall to one side by moving through hip rotation range of motion. Go through the full range of motion that you feel comfortable with, then...