22 Aug Foot On Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Bent, Dynamic
HOW: Place your foot up against the wall as high as you feel comfortable with your heel on the ground. Drive your knee towards the wall feeling a stretch in the calf and foot. Move your knee back and forth for the prescribed amount...
22 Aug Foam Pad, Ball Toss Forward
HOW: Place a foam pad on the ground. Stand in the middle of the foam pad with both feet. Keep your balance on the pad while you toss a ball into a wall playing catch with yourself. FEEL: You should feel your lower leg...
17 Aug Split Stance Lunge Hold – Band
HOW: Begin by placing a band around your knees just above your knee cap. Stand with one foot flat in front of you and the other behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Bend both knees and shift most of your weight...
07 Aug Wall Clock – Band
HOW: Stand facing a wall with your hands straight out from your shoulders, palms on the wall with a band looped around your wrist. Squeeze your shoulder blades and create some tension in the band by moving your wrist out. From here, keep one...
07 Aug Posterior Lunge – TRX
HOW: Begin with the anchored suspension trainer bands in both hands. Stand tall as you begin with tension in the bands. While holding your hands at chest height, step back with one foot bending and lowering the front knee. Use your arms and the...
07 Aug Shoulder Driver – Band
HOW: Begin standing with a looped band around your wrist. Extend your elbows and arms straight out from your chest. Create some tension in the band and maintain that tension while you turn your arms in a circular motion(like turning a steering wheel) back...
07 Aug Single Leg Squat – Ankle Dorsiflexion Bias, Wall Supported
HOW: Position yourself facing a wall. Shift your weight to one leg. Bend that knee and squat down with your knee going towards the wall over your toes. Push back into the ground and return to the starting position once you’ve reached a depth...
07 Aug Standing 3 Way Hip – Flexion, Abduction, Extension, Band at Knees, Wall Supported
HOW: Begin by standing next to a wall with a band looped around your knees just above the knee cap. Place the hand closest to the wall on the wall for support. Keep the knee straight and kick the leg furthest from the wall...
07 Aug Split Stance Lunge – Rear Leg Emphasis
HOW: Begin by stepping one foot forward and the other back with your toes pointed forward in a split stance position. Bend both knees and lower yourself down but shift over half of your bodyweight to the back leg. Push into the ground returning...
07 Aug Surfer Squat – Band
HOW: Place a band around your knees just above your knee cap. In a standing position, bring one leg back rotating your toes to face that side. Don’t let the other leg cave in as you keep your knee bent, over your toes, and...