HOW: To tension your median nerve- extend your elbow, wrist, and hand while keep your shoulder elevated to about 90 degrees and you’re bending your neck away from the arm you are extending. Then slowly flex or bring in your hand, wrist, and elbow...

HOW: Get a band or cable system anchored between waist and shoulder height directly in front of you. Criss-cross the bands and start by holding the handles in front of you with your arms straight. Perform a row by driving your elbows back towards...

HOW: Get a band anchored down by the ground and stand next to the anchor but turn your body 90 degrees from it. Hold the band with your arm that is further away from the anchor. Spread your feet so that they’re a little...

HOW: The goal of this exercise is to use your opposite arm as much as possible to facilitate improving the desired motion. Hold onto a stick or something light that is long enough to hold in both hands. You will have both palms facing...

HOW: The goal of this exercise is to use your opposite arm as much as possible to facilitate improving the desired motion. Hold onto a stick or something light that is long enough to hold in both hands. You will use an alternative grip...

HOW: The goal of this exercise is to use your opposite arm as much as possible to facilitate improving the desired motion. Hold onto a stick or something light that is long enough to hold in both hands. You will use an alternative grip...

HOW: Place your hand behind your back as high up as you feel comfortable. Ideally you will be able to reach the opposite shoulder blade. Once you find this point, stand up tall while pulling your shoulder blades together. This will help stretch the...

HOW: Place your hands against the wall at about shoulder height, then crawl up with your hand as high as you feel comfortable. Now lean your body into your arm by bringing your hips away from the wall. This will be a body on...
