03 Apr Standing Hamstring Stretch – Kettlebell
HOW: Grab a relatively light kettlebell or dumbbell. Begin in a standing position holding the kettlebell between your legs. As you hinge through the hips, keep your spine and legs stiff. Push your bottom back slowly until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings....
03 Apr Standing Hip March – Band
HOW: Loop a miniband around your feet. In an upright position, root the standing leg into the ground as you lift the other leg up. Lift your knee to ~90º and return to the starting position. Keep the moving leg at hip width distance. ...
08 Dec Single Leg Anterior to Posterior Squat – Squat Rack
HOW: Begin by standing at a squat rack or a doorway. Use upper body assistance while driving the knee closest to the squat rack into the squat rack. Assume a single leg squat position in a quarter or half squat position keeping pressure from...
08 Dec Standing Shoulder W – Band Assisted
HOW: Begin by standing at a cable machine or resistance band set, facing away. Set the stack at about hip height. Taking the handles to shoulder height, find a rotation going towards the back of the body keeping the shoulder blades down. From here, rotate...
08 Dec Standing Shoulder W to Y – Band Assisted
HOW: Begin by standing at a cable machine or resistance band set, facing away. Set the stack at about hip height. Taking the handles to shoulder height, find a rotation going towards the back of the body keeping the shoulder blades down to assume a...
08 Dec Standing Shoulder Y – Band Assisted
HOW: Begin by standing at a cable machine or resistance band set, facing away. Set the stack at about hip height. Taking the handles to shoulder height, find a forward push of the shoulder blades while punching your arms in front of you. Begin...
08 Dec Wall Slide – Shoulder External Rotation, Band
HOW: Begin by standing at a wall with a band attached at the wrists and a foam roller between your forearms and the wall. The foam roller should line up with the wrist crease at eye level. While pushing out into the band for shoulder...
12 Mar Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Bent, 3D
HOW: Stand facing a wall placing your hands on the wall straight out from your shoulders. Keep one foot back as you step forwards with the other leg, then step outward and cross the other leg inward. Each time reset the foot prior to taking...
12 Mar Standing Toe Raise
HOW: Stand by an object or wall to help with your balance. Stand as tall as you can with your feet about shoulder width apart. Raise your toes up keeping your heels on the ground. Lift them up and down for the prescribed amount of...
12 Mar Single Leg Heel Raise – Box Support, Weight
HOW: Stand behind an elevated surface or box. Grab onto a dumbbell in one hand. Place the opposite foot and leg onto the box with your foot flat and knee bent. Stay tall and straight as you push into the ground with the foot on...