HOW: In a standing position, anchor a looped band underneath your feet with your legs about shoulder width apart. Hinge forward at the waist, and slightly bend your knees. Have the band in each hand with your arms straight in front of you and...

HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about shoulder height. Grab onto the band with one arm. While standing facing the band, hinge forward at the hips and lean towards the band with a slight bend in your knees. Have your arm holding the band...

HOW: Grab onto a weight of some sort. Raise the weight straight up and stop at shoulder height. From here, draw the alphabet out in capital or lowercase letters all the way to Z.   FEEL: You should feel your shoulder muscles working.    COMPENSATION: Only...

HOW: Stand facing a wall with one hand on a swissball on the wall. Your hand should be straight out from your shoulder on the ball. Push into the ball while keeping your elbow straight.    FEEL: You should feel your shoulder blade muscles working.    ...

HOW: Begin in a standing position with a knee bent on the chair with your foot leaning on top of the chair, safely! Keep your hips tucked and core engaged as you begin to bend the knee you are standing while you shift your...

HOW: Drive one knee up at a time while moving your opposite arm up with the knee. Add a slight hop with the leg on the ground and straighten your leg out as the foot comes back down to the ground. Perform this going...

HOW: Drive one knee up at a time while moving your opposite arm up with the knee. Add a slight hop with the leg on the ground and perform this going in a forward motion for the prescribed amount of reps. It is key...

HOW: Get into a standing position and perform each of these stretches and dynamic exercises for the amount that is described! Pay attention to how you transition to each exercise.   FEEL: You should feel your entire upper body getting warmed up for whatever activity you’re going...

HOW: Start in a standing position. Rotate your legs outward. Push into the ground while your legs are rotated out lifting your body up and your knees straight(only rotate them as far as you feel comfortable with) and walk for the amount prescribed. Focus on...
