25 Jul Standing Multi-Segmental Rotation
HOW: Bring your feet all the way together in a standing position. Rotate your upper body to one side while keeping your feet flat and your hips facing forward. Try to look behind you while rotating your shoulders with you. Breathe normally as you...
25 Jul Standing Multi-Segmental Flexion
HOW: Bring your feet all the way together in a standing position. Begin by touching your head chest, rounding your shoulder forward, placing your hands on your thighs, and slowly arching each part of your back while keeping your legs straight. Reach down down...
25 Jul Standing Multi-Segmental Extension
HOW: Bring your feet all the way together in a standing position. Bring your arms straight up overhead. Reach back as far as you can, safely, while following your fingers with your eyes creating an arch in your back. Your hips should move forward...
25 Jul Staggered Sit To Stand – Reach Towards Rear Leg
HOW: Stand in front of a chair or sturdy surface. Slightly stagger your feet to where one foot’s toes are aligned with the middle of the other foot. Perform a sit to stand by bending both knees, hinging forward at the hips and sitting...
25 Jul Squat Hold – Heel Raise
HOW: Start by standing with your feet about shoulder width apart. Bend your knees, hinge forward slightly at the hips and squat down to a comfortable position. While holding this squat, push into the ground with your toes and raise your heels off of...
25 Jul Split Stance Hold – Trunk Rotation
HOW: Begin standing with one foot flat in front of you and the other behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Maintain that position as you put both arms straight out in front of you at chest height. From here, rotate your...
25 Jul Split Stance Hold – Lateral Trunk Flexion
HOW: Begin standing with one foot flat in front of you and the other behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Maintain that position as you put both arms straight up overhead. From here, Bend to the side as you keep your...
25 Jul Spieth’s Backswing Drill – Band
HOW: Begin in a standing position while holding one band with both hands. Hold the band down in front of you to start. Step to the side with one leg. As you step to the side, rotate your chest opening up to that side,...
25 Jul Single Arm Swing – Kettlebell
HOW: Stand tall with a kettlebell in one hand. Perform a hip hinge by bending forward at the hips and slightly bending your knees allowing the weight to hang down in front of you. Use your hips and glutes to swing the weight up...
25 Jul Single Arm Power Clean To Overhead Press – Kettlebell
HOW: Stand tall with your feet about shoulder width apart and a kettlebell in one hand. Lower the kettlebell down as you slightly bend your knees and hinge forward at the hips. Squeeze your shoulder back as you pull the kettlebell up bringing your...