HOW: In a standing position, grab a theraband with both hands. With your thumb up, bring one arm up over your head in a diagonal direction (make sure there is no resistance bringing this arm up). The other hand should pull the band down...

HOW: Position a barbell in front of you on the ground over the middle of your feet. Find your “power stance” with your feet staggered roughly shoulder width apart. We will then stagger our foot by placing the toes of one foot should in...

HOW: Inside the hex bar, find your “power stance” with your feet staggered shoulder width apart. We will then stagger our foot by placing the toes of one foot in line with the middle  of the other foot. The foot in the back will...

HOW: Loop a band around the bottom of one of your feet. Hinge forward at the waist and bring the other foot/leg up to where your back is almost parallel with the ground. Find your balance and with the other part of the band...

HOW: While standing, grab onto a dowel behind your back with your palms facing forward.  Use one arm to push the dowel back in order for the other shoulder to feel a stretch without it working. Hold that stretch for the prescribed amount of...

HOW: Position a barbell in front of you on the ground over the middle of your feet. Find your “power stance” with your feet roughly shoulder width apart. Hinge forward at the waist, grip the bar slightly wider than your knees, keep some tension...

HOW: Inside the hex bar, find your “power stance” with your feet shoulder width apart. Grab the bar in the middle of each handle. Slightly bend your knees, chest up, and pull the bar up by pushing into the ground and squeezing your hips...

HOW: Loop a band underneath the middle of your feet and then around the tops of your shoulders below your neck. From here, begin in a tall standing position with a slight bend in your knees. Hinge forward at the hips keeping your back...

HOW: Start by holding a kettlebell in each hand in front of your shoulder with your knuckles facing up and your elbows under your wrist.  Keep the elbows at your side and squeeze your shoulder blades back. While maintaining this position, bend your knees...
