31 Mar Inch Worm To Push Up – In Place
HOW: In a standing position, begin this exercise by reaching towards the floor while keeping your knees straight. Walk your hands out until you get into a high plank position then perform pushup. Once you are in the high plank position again walk your...
31 Mar Diagonal Pull Apart – Band
HOW:  Start this exercise upright with both hands in front of you with a resistance band in hands. Spread the resistance band diagonally. Squeeze the band on one end bringing your arm to your side, simultaneously, with the opposite arm elevate the arm in...
31 Mar Shoulder Pass Through – Band
HOW: Begin by holding a resistance band in both hands. Spread the band so that your hands are slightly wider than shoulder width. Rotate your arms all the way around - this mean elevate your arms overhead and then back so that the band...
22 Mar Upright Row – Kettlebell
HOW: Start in a standing position holding onto a kettlebell by the outside handles or any object can work as well. While keeping the rest of your body still, begin the exercise by driving your elbows up and out to bring your hands to...
22 Mar Upright Row – Band
HOW: Start in a standing position, stand on an elastic band and hold the band with each hand. You can adjust the resistance and tension as needed once you begin. While keeping the rest of your body still, begin the exercise by driving your...
22 Mar Overhead Press – Dumbbell
HOW: Start in a standing position holding weights or objects in each hand positioned in front of your shoulders. While keeping the rest of your body still, begin the exercise by pressing the weights/objects overhead. Pause for a moment, then slowly lower the weights...
22 Mar Overhead Press – Dumbbell, Band
HOW: Start in a standing position with a band looped around your wrists and hold weights or objects in each hand positioned in front of your shoulders. While keeping the rest of your body still, begin the exercise by pressing the weights/objects overhead. Pause...
22 Mar Overhead Press – Alternating, Dumbbell
HOW: Start in a standing position holding weights or objects in each hand positioned in front of your shoulders. While keeping the rest of your body still, begin the exercise by pressing only one arm overhead. Pause for a moment, then slowly lower the...
22 Mar Squat Pulse
HOW: Start in a standing position with your feet at least shoulder width apart - pick your ideal foot set set up for squatting. Begin the exercise by squatting as low as you feel comfortable with, then pulse up and down just a small...
22 Mar Single Arm Snatch – Dumbbell
HOW: Start in a standing position holding a weight or object in one hand. Begin the exercise by squatting down while keeping your chest up and keeping tension on the weight, then explosively stand tall while simultaneously performing a snatch followed by a dip...