28 Apr Deep Squat Hip Prying
HOW: Get set up in a standing position in your ideal squat stance and form. To begin the exercise, squat down as low as you can and hold the bottom of the deep squat position. Then with your arms and elbows positioned on the...
28 Apr Resisted Overhead Press – Band
HOW: Get bands anchored in front of you at about shoulder height. Criss-cross the handles then position your arms in a shoulder press position. While not letting your hands move forward, perform an overhead press. Slowly return to starting position and repeat. FEEL: You...
28 Apr Reverse Fly – Band
HOW: Get bands anchored at about shoulder height. Criss-cross the handles, straighten your arms, and with your palms facing forward squeeze your shoulder blades back and bring your hands out to the sides to form the letter ‘T’ with your body and your arms....
28 Apr Safety Clip Squeeze
HOW: Get set up with a weight clip in your hand, ideally you can still have a grip around the weight clip even when the weight clip is in a relaxed position. Perform the exercise by squeezing the weight clip as hard as you...
28 Apr Carry – Hook Grip, Weight Plate
HOW: Hold a weight plate, ideally a rubber plate, by hooking the tips of your fingers around the top of your plate. Grip the weight while staying strong through your arm, shoulder, and shoulder blade. Walk while holding the weight for the time instructed. ...
28 Apr Carry – Pinch Grip, Weight Plate
HOW: Hold a weight plate, ideally a rubber plate, by pinching it between your fingers and your thumb in your palm with your fingers pointing down. Grip the weight while staying strong through your arm, shoulder, and shoulder blade. Walk while holding the weight...
28 Apr Carry – Cylindrical Grip, Kettlebell
HOW: Hold a weight with a handle with your hand wrapped around the handle, ideally a kettlebell in the normal position. Grip the handle while staying strong through your arm, shoulder, and shoulder blade. Walk while holding the weight for the time instructed. FEEL:...
28 Apr Carry – Spherical Grip, Kettlebell
HOW: Hold a round weight, ideally a kettlebell upside-down that fits in your hand. Grip the weight while staying strong through your arm, shoulder, and shoulder blade. Walk while holding the weight for the time instructed. FEEL: This should feel like a challenging grip...
28 Apr Heel Raise – Knee Bent, Off Step
HOW: Position the step against a wall. Place the balls of your feet on the edge of the step. Slightly bend your knees and raise your heels off of the ground. Your entire body should be going up with the heel raise. Hold onto...
28 Apr Heel Raise – Ball Squeeze
HOW: Place a tennis ball, lacrosse ball, or any other small circular like object in between your heels. Squeeze the ball with your heelas and keep that constant tension during the whole exercise. Then, push up with your toes raising your heels. Make sure...