01 Jan Lat Soft Tissue Mobilization
HOW: In a sidelying position place a foam roller just underneath your Lat’s, which are a big muscle that are just underneath the side of your shoulder. You have the option of rolling up and down, from side to side, or performing a pin...
01 Jan Pec Minor Soft Tissue Mobilization
HOW: Stand up leaning against a lacrosse ball or mobility ball into the wall. You want the ball to be underneath the mass of your chest, the targeted muscle is actually DEEP onto your ribs. Place the arm that is being worked behind your...
01 Jan Posterior Cuff Soft Tissue Mobilization
HOW: Stand up leaning the back of your shoulder against a lacrosse ball or mobility ball into the wall. Cradle your arm against the ball with your opposite arm to keep it relaxed, from here you can work on the muscle. You have the...
30 Dec Shoulder Around The World – Wall Support
HOW: Standing about upper arm distance away from the wall. Begin with your hand by your side and palm facing towards you. Bring your arm up and around until you hit a “sticky” spot, then rotate your palm facing towards the wall. Follow this...
29 Dec Thoracic Spine Foam Rolling
HOW: Get set-up with your butt supported on the ground with a foam roller supporting your mid back. The goal is to make a ‘fulcrum’ that we can use to mobilize your mid back. Position the foam roller in your mid back and drive...
29 Dec Scapula Clock
HOW: Get set-up in a standing position with your hands by your side and arms straight. While maintaining arm position, slowly make big backward followed by forward circles with your shoulders and shoulder blades. FEEL: This should feel like nice shoulder and shoulder blade...
29 Dec Supine Alternating Arm Raises – Foam Roller
HOW: Get set-up laying on a long foam roller with it parallel to your spine and in the middle of your back. Make sure your knees are bent with your feet flat on the ground and have your butt and head supported on the...
29 Dec Side Lying Shoulder Cross Body Stretch
HOW: Lie on your side with the shoulder you want to stretch closest to the ground. You can put a pillow under your head for neck support if you want but it is not necessary. Bring your elbow to your side up to shoulder...
29 Dec Open Book
HOW: Start by lying on your side with your knees bent and raised to hip height. Clasp your hands on top of each other. Slowly reach your top hand forward as far as you can. Then, slowly pull your hands back, across your chest,...
29 Dec Wall Slide
HOW: Start with your entire forearms against the wall. Push into the wall with the pink side of your hands as well as your elbows the entire time. Slowly work your way up the wall, then slide back down. Repeat. FEEL: You should feel...