08 Dec Single Leg Anterior to Posterior Squat – Squat Rack
HOW: Begin by standing at a squat rack or a doorway. Use upper body assistance while driving the knee closest to the squat rack into the squat rack. Assume a single leg squat position in a quarter or half squat position keeping pressure from...
08 Dec Kickstand RDL – Foam Roller
HOW: Set yourself up by suspending a foam roller between the side of your knee and the wall. Move your outside leg behind you to get into a kickstand position, and shift ~80% of your weight over to your front leg. Hinge your hips ...
08 Dec Half Kneeling Rear Leg Lift Off – Wall
HOW: Take a half kneeling position with the rear leg toes pushing into the ground, ball of the foot pushing into the wall. Rotate the torso over the front leg. Staying stacked tall with the torso, begin by pushing down with the front leg and...
08 Dec Hip Thrust – Cross Connect
HOW: Begin by sitting at a bench, box, or chair. Press the bottom of the shoulder blades into the bench. Lining up the knees at 90 degrees, take the elbow to the opposite knee connecting with a block or ball. Hold this tension and push...
08 Dec Prone Shoulder External Rotation – 3-Way
HOW: Lay flat on your stomach and move your arms into a diamond position overhead with your fingertips near your ears. Lift your forearms up towards the ceiling through the full range of motion available to you. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions prior to...
08 Dec Reverse Plank Bridge
HOW: Start seated with your arms behind you, fingers pointing away from you, and legs in front of your with your knees bent.. Lift your hips up off the ground until you form a straight line between your trunk and legs. Repeat for the...
08 Dec Reverse Plank Bridge Isometric
HOW: Start seated with your arms behind you, fingers pointing away from you, and legs out in front of your with your knees bent.Lift your hips up off the ground until you form a straight line between your trunk and legs. Hold for the...
08 Dec Seated Hip Internal Rotation- External Rotation – Straddle
HOW: Start seated and open your legs into a straddle position. As you rotate to one side, rotate the front leg externally (outside of the ankle towards the floor) while you rotate the back leg internally (inside of the ankle towards the floor). Alternate...
08 Dec Seated Neck Extension – Towel
HOW: While seated on a chair, roll up a small towel longways and place it behind your neck. Pull the towel forward and down to a 45º angle and while maintaining a pull on the towel, slowly look up towards the ceiling. . Hold...
08 Dec Sidelying Shoulder Press – Kettlebell
HOW: Begin in a sidelying position with a dumbbell or kettlebell in hand. Prop yourself up with your elbow underneath your shoulder. Push through the forearm to lift the torso away from the ground. With the arm rotated away from the body,, press the weight...