04 Dec Supine Chin Tuck – Head Lift, Rotation
HOW: Begin lying face up. Perform a chin tuck, this is achieved by attempting to create a double chin or by pushing the small of your neck towards the table. Then rotate your head from one side to the other slow and controlled, relax...
04 Dec Supine Chin Tuck – Constant Head Lift, Rotation
HOW: Begin laying face up. Perform a chin tuck, this is achieved by attempting to create a double chin or by pushing the small of your neck towards the table. FEEL: You will feel the small muscles on the front of your neck working...
04 Dec Table Top Chin Tuck – Head Lift
HOW: Begin in a table top position with hips and knees bent, hold this position with your core engaged. While maintaining your legs elevated, tuck your chin in and slightly hover your head off of the floor. Hold for a few seconds then return. ...
04 Dec Supine Chin Tuck – Lift
HOW: Begin laying face up. Perform a chin tuck, this is achieved by attempting to create a double chin or by pushing the small of your neck towards the table. FEEL: You will feel the small muscles on the front of your neck working...
04 Dec Supine Chin Tuck
HOW: Begin by lying face up then perform a chin tuck. The chin tuck is created by pushing the small of your neck in towards the floor. Think about creating a double chin to perform the tuck. Pushing your tongue on the roof of...
04 Dec Supine Chin Tucks – Rotation
HOW: Begin by lying face up then perform a chin tuck. The chin tuck is created by pushing the small of your neck in towards the floor. Think about creating a double chin to perform the tuck. Then rotate from side to side in...
04 Dec Quadruped Neck Segmental Flexion Extension
HOW: Begin on your hands and knees with your eyes looking directly between your hands. Slowly curl your neck from top down until your neck is fully rounded, your chin should get as close to your chest bone as possible. Then slowly raise your...
02 Dec Neck Isometrics – Anti-Extension, Band
HOW: Anchor a resistance band about head height then wrap one end around the top of your head. Turn your body away from the anchor, you will be working the muscles on the front of your neck. Walk out as far as you feel...
02 Dec Neck Isometrics – Anti-Flexion, Band
HOW: Anchor a resistance band about head height then wrap one end around the top of your head. Face the anchor, you will be working the muscles on the back of your neck. Walk out as far as you feel comfortable, hold, and return...
02 Dec Standing Chin Tuck – Wall
HOW: Place the back of your head against the wall. Perform a chin tuck, this is achieved by attempting to create a double chin or by pushing the small of your neck towards the wall. FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the front...