16 Apr Single Leg Balance – BOSU Black Side, Horizontal Head Turns
HOW: Stand on one leg on the black side of the BOSU. Once you feel you have got your balance, constantly switch between looking to the right and looking to the left. FEEL: You should feel that it is harder to balance when you...
16 Apr Single Leg Balance – BOSU Black Side, Vertical Head Turns
HOW: Stand on one leg on the black side of the BOSU. Once you feel you have got your balance, constantly switch between looking up and looking down. FEEL: You should feel that it is harder to balance when you are turning your head,...
16 Apr Single Leg Squat Catch – BOSU
HOW: Start on the black side of a BOSU. You should be able to easily perform single leg squats before trying this progression. Using a ball (or any other small object), drop the ball and quickly attempt to catch the ball. The lower you...
13 Apr Side Plank – Elevated Surface
HOW: Begin with your elbow and forearm supported on an elevated surface. Get set-up in a side plank position with your legs straight and feet stacked. Lift your pelvis and hips up as high as you can and hold this position. When you are...
13 Apr Bird Dog
HOW: Begin on your hands and knees. In this position, you will balance on the opposite arm and leg. The wider you are the easier to balance, the more narrow the more challenging this will be. Bring the arm and leg up as high...
08 Apr Row – Band
HOW: Begin this exercise upright with the resistance band anchored at about shoulder height. Hold each end of a band with the desired resistance, then perform a Row by bringing your elbows back. Allow your elbows to bend as you perform a row, your...
08 Apr Row – External Rotation, Band
HOW: Hold each end of a band with the desired resistance, then perform a Row by bring your elbows back. The key here is to rotate your shoulder externally as you perform the row, this is achieved by keeping your elbow in towards your...
08 Apr Standing Is – Band
HOW: Begin this exercise upright with the resistance band anchored at about shoulder height. Hold each end of a band with the desired resistance, then pull your hands down towards your back pockets while keeping the elbow straight. Focus on initiating this motion with your...
08 Apr Shoulder External Rotation – Band
HOW: Begin this exercise upright with the resistance band anchored at about elbow height. Hold the end of a band with the desired resistance then perform the movement. Keep the shoulder blade pulled back for the entirety of this exercise. Rotate your arm outwards...
08 Apr Shoulder External Rotation – Quick, Band
HOW: Begin this exercise upright with the resistance band anchored at about elbow height. Hold the end of a band with the desired resistance then perform the movement. Keep the shoulder blade pulled back for the entirety of this exercise, move quickly back and...