09 May Single Leg Hamstring Curl – Slider
HOW: While lying supine, relax your arms at your side with your palms down. Bring your knees up and place your feet flat on the ground. Place the slider underneath one foot (make sure to use a smooth floor surface!). As you push down...
08 May Transverse Plane Lunge Matrix
HOW: You are going to be moving side-to-side in this exercise. Step to the side turning your body 90 degrees to perform a rotating lunge. Immediately reverse the movement and turn 180 degrees and go into a lunge in the opposite direction. Push your...
08 May Posterior Lunge To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Step back with one leg. Keeping your weight on your front leg, drive into the ground and push yourself back up into a single leg balance position. FEEL: Feel your glutes and your quads of your front leg working. COMPENSATION: Don’t push with...
08 May in-line Balance – Half Kneeling
HOW: Get set up in a half kneeling position, but have your foot and knee that is supported on the ground positioned in-line with one another. While rooting your body into the ground, maintain balance and the position for the time instructed. FEEL: This...
08 May Curtsey Lunge To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Step backwards and out to the side like you were to perform a curtsey. Keep your weight on your front leg. Drive up and come to standing on one leg on the way back. FEEL: You should feel a good glute stretch and...
08 May Curtsey Lunge – In Place
HOW: Step backwards and out to the side like you were to perform a curtsey, lower yourself into a lunge position and repeat without taking another step. Keep most of your weight on your front leg, use the back leg for balance. FEEL: You...
28 Apr Sacroiliac Joint Muscle Energy Technique
HOW: Lay on your back close to a wall. Place your feet flat on the wall creating a 90 degree bend in your knees. Push into the wall with one leg without moving your leg or body. At the same time you’re pushing into...
20 Apr Bridge – Segmental
HOW: Lay flat on the ground or table. Bend your knees and put your feet flat. Contract your core muscles and slowly push into the ground with your feet. Raise your hips first, then lower back, and finally your mid to upper back. Focus...
20 Apr Supine Shoulder External Rotation – Dumbbell
HOW: Laying on your back, bring your elbow up and straight out from your shoulder on the ground. Hold the dumbbell straight up creating a 90 degree bend at the elbow. Slowly rotate the shoulder back keeping that 90 degree bend in the elbow. ...
20 Apr Supine Shoulder External & Internal Rotation – Dumbbell
HOW: Laying on your back, bring your elbow up and straight out from your shoulder on the ground. Hold the dumbbell straight up creating a 90 degree bend at the elbow. Slowly rotate the shoulder back and forth keeping that 90 degree bend in...