11 Apr Soleus Stretch – Unsupported
HOW: Get set up standing and then position your feet together, but one foot slightly in front of the other. With the foot that is further behind, the big toe on that foot should be lined up in the middle of the opposite foot....
03 Apr Knee Across Chest Stretch – Dynamic
HOW: Begin by lying face-up with one arm around the opposite knee. Pull your knee over towards the arm that is pulling it, while keeping your chest facing the ceiling. The more you bring your knee towards your chest and the closer towards the...
03 Apr Knee Across Chest Stretch
HOW: Begin by lying face-up with one arm around the opposite knee. Pull your knee over towards the arm that is pulling it, while keeping your chest facing the ceiling. The more you bring your knee towards your chest and the closer towards the...
03 Apr Single Knee To Chest
HOW: Begin by lying face up with your arms wrapped around your leg. You can begin with your arms behind your thigh or around your shin. Next, pull your knee into your chest as far as you feel comfortable. Work around an angle that...
03 Apr Double Knee To Chest
HOW: Begin by lying face up with your arms wrapped around both of your legs. You can begin with your arms behind your thigh or around your shin. Next, pull your knee into your chest as far as you feel comfortable. Placing your hands...
31 Mar Inch Worm – Walking
HOW: In a standing position, begin this exercise by reaching towards the floor while keeping your knees straight. Walk your hands out until you get into a high plank position then step your feet towards your hand and push yourself back up to starting...
31 Mar Supine Shoulder Flexion – PROM
HOW: Begin laying face up with your fingers interlocked or held onto by the opposite arm. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms as far overhead as possible. Keep the involved shoulder as relaxed as possible. FEEL: You may feel the...
31 Mar Supine Shoulder Flexion to 90 – PROM, Hand Assist
HOW: Begin laying face up with your fingers interlocked or held onto by the opposite arm. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms up to 90 degrees, this is when your arm is straight up and down. Keep the involved shoulder...
31 Mar Inch Worm To Push Up – In Place
HOW: In a standing position, begin this exercise by reaching towards the floor while keeping your knees straight. Walk your hands out until you get into a high plank position then perform pushup. Once you are in the high plank position again walk your...
31 Mar Shoulder Pass Through – Band
HOW: Begin by holding a resistance band in both hands. Spread the band so that your hands are slightly wider than shoulder width. Rotate your arms all the way around - this mean elevate your arms overhead and then back so that the band...