13 Apr Fix Your Knee Valgus
We all have seen someone with knocked knees (knee valgus) during a squat. Knee valgus is when the knee falls inward, this is characterized by hip adduction and internal rotation as the hip goes into a flexed position. Before you jump on someone for falling...
13 Apr Shoulder Pain With Bench Pressing
The barbell bench press is arguably one of the most effective movements in developing strength and power in the upper body. It’s a great way to train the primary pushers of the upper body, including the pectoralis group, the deltoids, and the triceps. Despite the...
13 Apr Postural Pain
Do you sit for a long time and notice some neck, back, or shoulder discomfort? We have all been there at some point of our lives. I can guarantee your back doesn't feel great after sitting for 8 hours. Do not worry, this is completely...
06 Apr How To Properly Perform Banded Glute Exercises
We teach you the RIGHT WAY to perform ALL of your banded glute exercises! Banded side steps are all the rage now, especially on social media. But the majority of the time people are doing them, they are doing them WRONG! In this video, we're...
05 Apr How To Anchor Bands At Home
HOW: Stuck at home and trying to figure out how to anchor your bands to perform pulling exercises? You’re in luck! This video covers now to SAFELY anchor your bands lying around onto a door frame. FEEL: If you’re lucky enough to have a...
02 Apr Test Your Rotator Cuff
Are you dealing with a rotator cuff injury? If you answered yes, don't worry! Regardless of the severity of your rotator cuff injury, there is a solution out there for you. We have helped thousands of people with rotator cuff issues, it just comes down...
02 Apr How To Not Screw Up The Turkish Get Up
We review everything you need to know about the famous Turkish Get Up (TGU)! Why is the TGU so popular anyway? The TGU is a full-body exercise where you start and finish on your back while holding a kettlebell in the air the entire time....
02 Apr Reconsidering What Foam Rolling Your Back Really Does
We set the record straight with reconsidering what foam rolling your back really does and what it likely doesn't do. More importantly, we dissect thought-provoking questions and concerns that we typically get when it comes to this topic. Should you actually foam roll your low...