HOW: Place your hands against the wall at about shoulder height. Hinge at your hips and bring your body forward, this will be a body on arm movement which will increase the amount of shoulder elevation you are working into. Be gentle and move...

HOW: Begin with a resistance band pulling your arms forward. The anchor for the resistance band should be around shoulder height. Bring your hands close to your ears, this is achieved by rowing and rotating your arms back at the same time. Bring your...

HOW: Stand on a band to anchor it from one end. Hold on to both ends of the band with your hands, then raise your arms out to about 90 degrees, which is parallel to the floor. Slowly return to starting position. I use...

HOW: While keeping your elbows at your side, focus on spreading the arms as far as you can while holding onto a band. This time perform this QUICKER.  Initiate this motion with the shoulder blades and allow your arms to follow. The firmer the...

HOW: Lean onto a lacrosse ball with your upper trap region, this is the muscle mass just above your shoulder blade. You have the option of rolling up and down or from side to side. Work around this area and see what feels good...

HOW: Stand up leaning against a lacrosse ball or mobility ball into the wall. You want the ball to be underneath the mass of your chest, the targeted muscle is actually DEEP onto your ribs. Place the arm that is being worked behind your...

HOW: While keeping your elbows at your side, focus on spreading the arms as far as you can while holding onto a band.  Initiate this motion with the shoulder blades and allow your arms to follow. The firmer the band (Double up the band...

HOW: Begin with your arms in a 90 degree position, where your hands are directly in front of your shoulders. Move your shoulder blades up, back, down, and forward. Then repeat. Once going backward is performed, move in the opposite direction, initiating the motion...

HOW: being this exercise with a staggered stance, use either a theraband or crossover symmetry unit pulling from behind you. Push against the resistance to bring your arms all the way out in front of you, this includes pushing your shoulder blades away from...

HOW: Stand up leaning the back of your shoulder against a lacrosse ball or mobility ball into the wall. Cradle your arm against the ball with your opposite arm to keep it relaxed, from here you can work on the muscle. You have the...
