18 Sep Standing Shoulder W – Band
HOW: Anchor a band at about shoulder height. Face the band and grab one in each hand. Have your arms in front of you at chest height with your palms facing down. Pull your shoulder blades back, then bring your elbows back and rotate...
18 Sep Shoulder Prep – 2
HOW: Anchor bands and grab one in each hand facing the high anchor. The first exercise is a shoulder T. Perform this by keeping your elbows straight and pulling the bands from in front of your chest backwards to make a “T” symbol. Next,...
11 Sep Two To One Snap Down
HOW: Begin in a standing position. Raise both hands overhead and push into the ground all the way raising your heels all the way up. From here, throw your hands down, shift your body weight to one leg and bend that knee, push back...
11 Sep Two to One Snap Down – Rotational Hop, Quarter Turn, Outside
HOW: Begin in a standing position. Raise both hands overhead and push into the ground all the way raising your heels all the way up. From here, throw your hands down, shift your body weight to one leg and bend that knee, push back...
11 Sep Two to One Snap Down – Rotational Hop, Quarter Turn, Inside
HOW: Begin in a standing position. Raise both hands overhead and push into the ground all the way raising your heels all the way up. From here, throw your hands down, shift your body weight to one leg and bend that knee, push back...
11 Sep Two to One Snap Down – Lateral Hop, Outside
HOW: Begin in a standing position. Raise both hands overhead and push into the ground all the way raising your heels all the way up. From here, throw your hands down, shift your body weight to one leg and bend that knee, push back...
11 Sep Two to One Snap Down – Lateral Hop, Inside
HOW: Begin in a standing position. Raise both hands overhead and push into the ground all the way raising your heels all the way up. From here, throw your hands down, shift your body weight to one leg and bend that knee, push back...
11 Sep Two to One Snap Down – Lateral Bound
HOW: Begin in a standing position. Raise both hands overhead and push into the ground all the way raising your heels all the way up. From here, throw your hands down, shift your body weight to one leg and bend that knee, push back...
11 Sep Two to One Snap Down – Hop, In Place
HOW: Begin in a standing position. Raise both hands overhead and push into the ground all the way raising your heels all the way up. From here, throw your hands down, shift your body weight to one leg and bend that knee, push back...
05 Sep Single Leg RDL – Hip Rotation
HOW: Begin this exercise by balancing one leg. Next, focus on hinging primarily at the hips. This is achieved by bringing your torso forward and pushing your butt back. Kicking out the back leg may make it easier for you to counterbalance your trunk...