HOW: Grab two kettlebells or weights that are heavy enough that they are difficult to move. Set up in a step up position on a bench with the kettlebells to the inside and outside of the front leg. Slide the shin of the front leg...

HOW: Place your back against a wall and shuffle your feet out. You can start with your feet in a staggered position or assume this position once you’re in your wall sit. Drop to 90º at your knees and hold for the prescribed time.   ...

HOW: Grab onto the pull-up bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Pull your shoulder blades down (depress) before you lift your legs off the bench to move into the hang position. Hold for the prescribed time.   FEEL: You will feel your...

HOW: Begin by standing at a wall. Place a foam pad or soft object between your knee and the wall. Step your rear leg back into a split stance position. Maintaining contact with the wall, drop the rear leg knee down towards the ground. Push...

HOW: Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet planted. Find your obliques by palpating the muscles in between the bottom of your rib cage and the hip bone. Inhale, activate the muscle, then exhale while you keep the muscle engaged. Relax...

HOW: Anchor a band at waist height and position your hands at your belly. Step out until you feel enough resistance that challenges holding the hands at the belly without the band pulling you in. Bend your knees slightly, tuck in your hips in...

HOW: Begin in a standing position at a wall. Reach the working leg forward striking the ground with your heel and a straight knee. Step through, rolling through the foot. Let the knee bend as you load the toes. , Begin to rock back, straightening the...

HOW: Assume a half kneeling position near a wall with a foam pad or pillow under your planted knee for comfort. Scoot your foot forward or backwards until you find the distance that will keep your knee just shy of touching the wall when...

HOW: Take an all fours position on your hands and your knees. Hands underneath the shoulders and knees under the hips. Lift the knees off the ground. Let the head and neck flex down. Take a chin tuck position. Raise the head holding the chin...
