06 Jan Tandem Balance – Horizontal Head Turns
HOW: Get set-up standing with your feet in a heel-to-toe position. Stand an arms distance away from a stable surface for balance as needed. While maintaining your balance, slowly rotate your head from one side to the other. FEEL: You should feel like your...
06 Jan Single Leg Balance – Kettlebell Handoff
HOW: Pick up one foot and balance on the leg that is in contact with the ground. Focus on standing upright and not letting yourself lean side-to-side. It is ok to let your hip and knee bend a little bit. Once the balance is...
06 Jan Single Leg RDL – Foam Pad
HOW: Begin this exercise by balancing one leg on a foam pad. Next focus on hinging primarily at the hips. This is achieved by bringing your torso forward and pushing your butt back. Kicking out the back leg may make it easier for you...
06 Jan Single Leg RDL – Kettlebell Handoff
HOW: Pick up one foot and balance on the leg that is in contact with the ground. Hinge forward through your hips while holding onto a kettlebell. Once the balance is maintained in this position, slowly shift the kettlebell from one hand to the...
06 Jan Backward Walking
HOW: Walk backwards. As you take a step with your involved leg, work on “staying strong” and squeezing your glutes and quadriceps as you make contact with the ground. The goal is to feel strong on your leg like no one can push you...
06 Jan Standing Balance – Horizontal Head Turn
HOW: Get set-up standing and balancing on both your feet together. While maintaining your balance, turn your head side-to-side. Stand an arms distance away from a stable surface for balance as needed. FEEL: You should feel like your balance is being challenged. If you’re...
16 Dec Hip Hinge – Hand Behind Back
HOW: Get set up standing with your hand resting behind your back in a comfortable position. Begin the exercise by performing a hip hinge followed by standing tall and reaching out and back behind you with the other arm to stretch your pecs. Repeat ...
13 Dec Big Toe Abduction
HOW: While keeping the little toes relaxed, bring the big toe in towards the midline of your body and back. Avoid allowing the foot from collapsing in or pronating, isolate this motion to the big toe! FEEL: You should feel the big toe muscles working...
11 Dec Shoulder Internal Rotation Lift Off – Behind Back
HOW: Get set up standing with your hand resting behind your back in a comfortable position. Begin the exercise by squeezing your shoulder blade directly back. While maintaining this, lift your hand off your back for the time prescribed. Return your hand to starting...
11 Dec Shoulder Hand Behind Back – PROM
HOW: On the side you want to work on reaching behind your back, hold a towel with your palm facing backwards. Hold the towel with your other hand and depending on your range of motion, you can have the towel positioned behind the waist...