29 May Back Squat Isometrics – Barbell
HOW: Begin in a seated position on an elevated surface that has a height that challenges you but supports you. Position a barbell on your upper traps with both hands next to your shoulders holding onto the ball. Your feet should be about shoulder...
29 May Back Squat – Low Bar, Barbell
HOW: Begin with positioning a barbell on your lower traps to where it feels like it is resting on top of your shoulder blades. Place both hands next to your shoulders holding onto the ball. Place your feet in a comfortable position about shoulder...
29 May Back Squat – High Bar, Barbell
HOW: Begin with positioning a barbell on your upper traps with both hands next to your shoulders holding onto the ball. Place your feet in a comfortable position about shoulder width apart. From this position, bend your knees and start to hinge forward at...
27 May RDL – Lat Tension
HOW: Anchor bands above your head. With a band in each hand and your arms straight, pull down where your arms are by your side and palms facing back creating tension on the sides of your back. From this position, hinge forward at the...
27 May Triceps Stretch – Dowel
HOW: While standing, place one hand behind your neck with your elbow pointing up. Place the other hand behind your low back holding a dowel that connects up to your hand behind your head. Pull down with the lower hand and hold that stretch. ...
27 May Single Leg RDL – Lat Tension
HOW: Anchor bands above your head. With a band in each hand and your arms straight, pull down where your arms are by your side and palms facing back creating tension on the sides of your back. From this position, shift your weight to...
27 May Standing Shoulder External Rotation Stretch – Dowel
HOW: Start in a standing position. One hand holds the dowel in front of you and the other hand holds the dowel with your thumb pointing towards the ground, elbow up in the front, and the dowel applying some pressure on the outside of...
27 May Posterior Step Down – RNT
HOW: Place an elevated surface in front of you. Anchor a band above the height of the surface and loop it around the outside knee above the knee cap. With the other leg, step backwards and hinge your upper body forwards. Bend the knee...
27 May Lateral Lunge – BOSU
HOW: Place a bosu ball a few feet to the side of you with the ball side up. Step to the side with the foot closer to the bosu and land on the ball bending at the knee, glutes back, and slightly bending your...
27 May Face Pull To Overhead Press, Band
HOW: Anchor a band at shoulder height or above. Have a band in each hand and cross the bands. Straighten your arms and bring them slightly above shoulder height. From this position, squeeze your shoulder blades and pull the bands to your face. Keep...