HOW: Hold onto a rope with your thumbs facing the ceiling. Curl up bending at the elbow, then slowly return back to starting position.   FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the front of your upper arm, these are your bicep muscles. You may...

HOW: Stand up holding onto the rope with your elbows bent, with your body facing the pulley system. Slowly straighten your elbows engaging the muscles in the back of your arm. Once elbows are straight, return to the starting position.    FEEL: You will feel...

HOW: Facing away from the pulley system, grab the rope and start with your elbows bent overhead. Slowly straighten your elbows overhead and once elbows are straight, return to the starting position.    FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the back of the upper...

HOW: Stand up with a bar overhead. Slowly allow the bar to lower towards your neck bending only at the elbow. Then pull the bar back up overhead by straightening your elbows.   FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the back of the upper...

HOW: Start by assuming a plank position on a swissball with your toes on the ground and your elbows on the swissball. Actively push into the swissball through your elbows with your shoulder blades. Your shoulders should be active. Once in a stable and...

HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs up, reach your arms up and out over your head in the...

HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs up, reach your arms up and out to the side of you...

HOW: Start by assuming a plank position on a swissball with your toes on the ground and your elbows on the swissball. Actively push into the swissball through your elbows with your shoulder blades. Your shoulders should be active.   FEEL: You should feel all...

HOW: Grab a dumbbell of the appropriate weight an assume a supported leaned over position on a bench. The key is that your chest is completely parallel to the bench. Bring your elbow to your side and while maintaining that position, slowly lift the...

HOW: Get set-up laying flat on your back with your heels on a foam roller. Begin the exercise by bridging up to lift your hips up into the air. While keeping your hips as high as you can the entire time, bend your knees...
