29 May Bent Over Single Arm Lat Pull Down – Band
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about shoulder height. Grab onto the band with one arm. While standing facing the band, hinge forward at the hips and lean towards the band with a slight bend in your knees. Have your arm holding the band...
07 May Supine Hip External Rotation – Band
HOW: Lie on your back and loop a band around both feet. With your legs straight out, keep one leg stable as the other foot pushes the band out and back in. FEEL: You should feel your hip muscles working. COMPENSATION: Only allow motion...
07 May Seated Big Toe Flexion – Band
HOW: In a chair, cross one leg over the other and place a resistance band around your big toe. Try to keep your ankle and foot up as you only use your toe to push the band down and up. FEEL: You should feel...
29 Apr Soldier External Rotation – Band
HOW: Attach a resistance band anchored to the wall at shoulder height. Position your body perpendicular to the wall you have it anchored to. With the outside arm, grab onto the band. Move your elbow up straight out from your shoulder while your forearm is...
29 Apr Soldier External Rotation – Band, Press
HOW: Attach a resistance band anchored to the wall at shoulder height. Position your body perpendicular to the wall you have it anchored to. With the outside arm, grab onto the band. Move your elbow up straight out from your shoulder while your forearm is...
30 Mar Single Arm Hip Hinge Pull Through – Band
HOW: Anchor a band at a lower level closer to the ground. In a standing position, face away from the anchor and grab onto the band with one hand holding it underneath you. Start in a tall standing position with a slight bend in...
23 Mar Trunk Rotation – Medball, Step, Band
HOW: Start by looping a resistance band around your legs just above your knees. Grab onto a medball with both arms and hold against your body in a standing position with slight tension on the band and a small bend in your knees. From...
23 Mar Standing Single Arm Chest Press – Rotation, Band
HOW: Anchor a band directly behind you at shoulder height. Have the band to the side of the hand you will grab it with. Let the band pull your arm back while you rotate your upper half and reach straight out with the opposite...
23 Mar Split Stance Lunge Turns – Band
HOW: Start in a standing position while holding onto each end of a resistance band. Keep your back flat as you step forwards with one leg slightly bending the knee while keeping the other leg straight back for balance support. Keep most of your...
23 Mar Side Plank Thread The Needle – Band
HOW: Anchor a band to a lower position closer to the ground. Start facing away from the anchored band in a side plank position on your elbow with your top leg on the ground in front of your bottom leg. Grab onto the band...