22 Aug Single Leg Balance On Toes – Band, Anti-Inversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg closest to the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Push into the ground with that foot...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance On Toes – Band, Anti-Eversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg furthest from the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Push into the ground with that foot...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Band, Anti-Inversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg closest to the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Holding onto the band, keep your body...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Band, Anti-Eversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg furthest from the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Holding onto the band, keep your body...
07 Aug Psoas March – Feet Elevated, Alternating, Band
HOW: Start by lying on your back with your feet elevated on a bench. Loop a band around the middle of both feet. Place your arms down and out at your side with your palms down for support. From here, push into the elevated...
07 Aug Wall Clock – Band
HOW: Stand facing a wall with your hands straight out from your shoulders, palms on the wall with a band looped around your wrist. Squeeze your shoulder blades and create some tension in the band by moving your wrist out. From here, keep one...
07 Aug Quadruped Wall Clock – Band
HOW: Start by positioning yourself with your hands on the ground straight down from your shoulders, and your knees on the ground below your hips. Loop a band around your wrist. Push your chest away from the ground as you keep one arm on...
07 Aug Shoulder Driver – Band
HOW: Begin standing with a looped band around your wrist. Extend your elbows and arms straight out from your chest. Create some tension in the band and maintain that tension while you turn your arms in a circular motion(like turning a steering wheel) back...
07 Aug Single Leg Squat + Row
HOW: Anchor bands around waist height. Face the bands and have one in each hand. Walk away from the anchor to create some tension in the band. Hold the bands out at about chest height and shift your weight to one leg. From here...
07 Aug Standing 3 Way Hip – Flexion, Abduction, Extension, Band at Knees, Wall Supported
HOW: Begin by standing next to a wall with a band looped around your knees just above the knee cap. Place the hand closest to the wall on the wall for support. Keep the knee straight and kick the leg furthest from the wall...