22 Apr Side Lying Hip Abduction – Band, Core Activation
HOW: Begin on your side with your leg on top straightened out. Follow the video for instructions with the arms to create more core work. Place a band just slightly above your knees for additional resistance. Elevate the top leg towards the ceiling and...
22 Apr Clam – Band, Core Activation
HOW: Begin on your side with your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles stacked over each other. Place the resistance band just slightly above your knees. In this side lying position open your top knee up towards the ceiling as high as you can. Your...
22 Apr Quadruped Fire Hydrant – Band
HOW: In a quadruped position on your hands and knees, place a resistance band just above the knees. Start strong in your shoulder blades by pushing your body away from the floor. From here you will lift one leg off the floor and drive...
22 Apr Monster Walk – Band
HOW: Begin in a squat position with a band above your knees. As you walk, first put all your weight onto one leg and lift the opposite leg off the floor. The leg that is elevated off the floor will now take a step...
22 Apr Cha Cha – Band
HOW: Begin in a squat position, with a majority of your weight in the balls of your feet. Take a large step diagonally back and to the side to tap the floor. Avoid putting too much weight through the back leg, think about just...
21 Apr Single Leg Fire Hydrant Isometrics – Band
HOW: Stand on one leg with a slight bend in your hip and knee. Using a band above the knees, push your opposite knee out and back at a 45 deg angle and hold this position. Keep the knee in the air at a...
16 Apr Side Plank – On Knees, Clam, Band
HOW: Get set-up laying on your side with your elbow directly under your shoulder. Have your forearm facing out, and bend your knees so that your thighs are at a 45-degree angle. Place a band around your knees. Place your top hand on...
08 Apr Row – Band
HOW: Begin this exercise upright with the resistance band anchored at about shoulder height. Hold each end of a band with the desired resistance, then perform a Row by bringing your elbows back. Allow your elbows to bend as you perform a row, your...
08 Apr Row – External Rotation, Band
HOW: Hold each end of a band with the desired resistance, then perform a Row by bring your elbows back. The key here is to rotate your shoulder externally as you perform the row, this is achieved by keeping your elbow in towards your...
08 Apr Standing Is – Band
HOW: Begin this exercise upright with the resistance band anchored at about shoulder height. Hold each end of a band with the desired resistance, then pull your hands down towards your back pockets while keeping the elbow straight. Focus on initiating this motion with your...