11 May Standing Hip Extension – Slider
HOW: Get set-up standing with one foot on a slider, the side you want to target will be the one on the slider. While staying tall and stable throughout the rest of your body, perform isolated hip extension by sliding your foot backwards on...
11 May Hip Hike
HOW: Start by standing on one leg on a box or small elevated surface with your hips even and parallel to the ground. Let the foot that is in the air fall towards the ground by performing a hip drop followed by a hip...
29 Apr Donkey Kick – Knee Straight
HOW: Start in the quadruped position on all fours. Keeping your core/stomach braced and tight, slowly lift one leg and straighten it behind you, squeezing your butt. While doing this, do not let anything move. Repeat on the other side FEEL: You should feel...
25 Apr Hooklying March
HOW: Get set-up in a hook lying position laying on your back with your knees bent. Flatten your low back into the ground to engage your core, then lift one leg up at a time to to bring your knees up above your stomach....
24 Apr Tall Kneeling Pallof – Press
HOW: Move out until the resistance band is of moderate resistance. A Palloff press is properly executed by bringing arms out in front of you by flexing the shoulder and extending the elbows. Slowly move back and forth from reaching your arms out in...
24 Apr Golf Backswing Trunk Control – Band
HOW: Anchor a band between knee and waist height in the direction of your follow-through. Follow the video for tips regarding how to set up the band. Once you have the band set-up and you’re in your address position, rotate into your backswing followed...
16 Apr Tall Plank – Elevated Surface
HOW: Get a bench of some sort of elevated surface like a sturdy chair or table. Get into a tall plank position by putting your hands on this surface. Hold this position, keeping your core and shoulders actively engaged. You should think of pushing...
16 Apr Tall Plank – BOSU
HOW: Start on your toes. Grab the BOSU with the black side up. Get into a tall plank position and hold this position, keeping your core and shoulders engaged. FEEL: You should feel your core and shoulders working to maintain the position. COMPENSATION: Do...
16 Apr Plank – On Knees, BOSU
HOW: Start on your knees. Grab the BOSU with the black side up. Get into a modified plank position and hold this position, keeping your core and shoulders engaged. FEEL: You should feel your core and shoulders working to maintain the position. COMPENSATION: Do...
13 Apr Side Plank – Elevated Surface
HOW: Begin with your elbow and forearm supported on an elevated surface. Get set-up in a side plank position with your legs straight and feet stacked. Lift your pelvis and hips up as high as you can and hold this position. When you are...