HOW: Begin in a deep split squat position, somewhat of a shorter stride length. Keeping yourself in a squat position, push through the ground to jump to a low height. Softly absorb in the deep squat position and continue on to the next jump. The goal is...

HOW: Begin in a deep squat position. Keeping yourself in a squat position, push through the ground to jump to a low height. Softly absorb in the deep squat position and continue on to the next jump. The goal is to be quick but soft.    FEEL:...

HOW: Grab two kettlebells or weights that are heavy enough that they are difficult to move. Set up in a step up position on a bench with the kettlebells to the inside and outside of the front leg. Slide the shin of the front leg...

HOW: Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet planted. Find your obliques by palpating the muscles in between the bottom of your rib cage and the hip bone. Inhale, activate the muscle, then exhale while you keep the muscle engaged. Relax...

HOW: Anchor a band at waist height and position your hands at your belly. Step out until you feel enough resistance that challenges holding the hands at the belly without the band pulling you in. Bend your knees slightly, tuck in your hips in...

HOW: Begin by sitting at a bench, box, or chair. Press the bottom of the shoulder blades into the bench. Lining up the knees at 90 degrees, take the elbow to the opposite knee connecting with a block or ball. Hold this tension and push...

HOW: Start on your knees with your arms overhead. Extend through your entire spine as your arms follow, keeping your head between your arms. Return to your starting position and repeat for the prescribed repetitions.   FEEL: You should feel a simultaneous stretch and activation...

HOW: Anchor the Kayazan Vector below knee height. Put your right arm through and rotate to your left if wanting to work anti-rotation to your right and vice versa if wanting to work anti-rotation to your left The torso strap should come around your...

HOW: Anchor the Kayezen Vector below knee height. Put your right arm through the strap and rotate to your left if wanting to work an anti-rotation to your right and vice versa if wanting to work an anti-rotation to your left.The torso strap should...
