HOW: Begin on your hands and knees. In this position, you will balance on the opposite arm and leg. The more narrow your setup is, the easier this will be, just focus on the weight shift noted in the video. Keep your back flat...

HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, then push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. The wider you are...

HOW: Start in a kneeling position with a swissball in front of you. Place your forearms and hands on top of the ball and slowly roll the ball out while keeping your back flat. Push into the ball and bring it back in when...

HOW: Place a kettlebell on the ground in between your legs. Hinge forward at the hips, slightly bend your knees, and keep your back flat. Reach down with both hands and grab a hold of the kettlebell. While keeping your back parallel with the...

HOW: Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground, legs straight out, and toes pushing into the ground. Keep your core stable as you shift your weight to one side and just barely tap the front of your hip to the...

HOW: Position a barbell in front of you on the ground over the middle of your feet. Find your “power stance” with your feet staggered roughly shoulder width apart. We will then stagger our foot by placing the toes of one foot should in...

HOW: Inside the hex bar, find your “power stance” with your feet staggered shoulder width apart. We will then stagger our foot by placing the toes of one foot in line with the middle  of the other foot. The foot in the back will...

HOW: Place a barbell in a landmine and stand at the end of the barbell. Shift your weight to the outside leg, slightly bend the knee, hinge at the hips and reach down and grab the barbell end with the arm that the landmine...

HOW: Place a barbell in a landmine and stand at the end of the barbell. Shift your weight to one leg, slightly bend the knee, hinge at the hips and reach down and grab the barbell end. Pull the bar up using your hip...

HOW: Lying on your side, have your elbow straight down from your shoulder and your bottom leg pushing into the ground lifting your hips up to where your body is a straight line. While maintaining this position, bring the top knee up to your...
