17 Oct Isometric Supine Hip Adduction
HOW: Get set-up laying on your back with your knees bent. Place a foam roller, yoga block, your fists, or any object you feel comfortable with to squeeze in between your distal thighs and knees. You want your thighs to be at least parallel...
17 Oct Plank – Alternating Leg Lifts – On Knees
HOW: Get set-up on your forearms and knees in a modified plank position. While maintaining good form, lift one leg up in the air behind you by performing hip extension, hold for a second then lower back down. Perform on the other side and...
17 Oct Long Sitting Hip Internal and External Rotation – AROM
HOW: Get set-up on the ground supporting yourself with your arms and with your knees bent. Let both knees fall to one side by moving through hip rotation range of motion. Go through the full range of motion that you feel comfortable with, then...
16 Oct Medball Slam – In Front
HOW: Grab the desired medball weight and lift it above your head with both hands. To initiate the throw, squeeze your core and think of moving your ribcage down and closer to your hips. At the same time as doing this, forcibly throw the...
06 Oct Dead Bug – Legs Vertical
HOW: Start this exercise on your back in a 90/90 position of your knees and hips. Keep the small of your back pushed into the floor by activating your core. While maintaining core activation extend your legs out one at a time towards the...
06 Oct Prone Press Up
HOW: While laying on face down place both elbows on the floor at shoulder width. Driving into the floor with both of your forearms lift your chest up, creating an arch in the back. The closer your elbows are together, the higher you will...
06 Oct Low Back Flexion and Extension – AROM, Wall Supported
HOW: While placing both hands up against the wall for support, begin by sagging your hips to arch the back. Then push back into a child's pose against the wall, the goal is to stretch the back into a rounding position. Repeat this movement...
06 Oct Low Back Sidebend – AROM, Wall Supported
HOW: Find a wall then follow the instruction on the video. FEEL: When you lean into the wall you will stretch the side closer to the wall, from the low back to hip region. When you push your body away from the wall you...
06 Oct Single Arm Tall Plank Shoulder Rotation – AROM
HOW: Begin in a plank position with your scapula engaged. You can see the protraction of the scapula, maintain this position for the entirety of this exercise. With the elevated arm rotate your shoulder from overhead down towards your hips. Keep your arm up...
06 Oct Cat Cow – Lumbar Spine
WHY: This exercise will help with learning back and pelvic body awareness as well as it promotes global mobility of these regions. This exercise also provides the opportunity for your back to get comfortable with moving in and out of your spinal flexion and...