HOW: Get set-up holding the ends of a band out in front of you. Begin the exercise by squeezing your shoulder blades back and together while pulling the band apart. In the finished position, your arms should at least be in-line with your shoulder,...

HOW: Get set-up next to a wall or doorway and place your hand on the wall down by your pocket with your palm against the wall, there should be some space between you and the wall. Focus on keeping your shoulder and shoulder blade...

HOW: Get set-up next to a wall or doorway and place your hand on the wall down by your pocket with your palm against the wall, there should be some space between you and the wall. Focus on keeping your shoulder and shoulder blade...

HOW: Get set-up next to a wall or doorway and place your hand up on the wall to create a 90 degree angle at your elbow, your elbow should be at shoulder height and your hand should be above head height. Perform the pec...

HOW: Get set-up next to a wall or doorway and place your hand up on the wall to create a 90 degree angle at your elbow, your elbow should be at shoulder height and your hand should be above head height. Perform a pec...

HOW: Get set-up holding a hex bar with the desired weight. To perform the exercise, begin with a partial squat followed by performing a jump. Demonstrated in the video is performing consecutive jump squats, however, if performing for the first time or working on...

HOW: Face a wall, get set-up with your hands supported on the wall at shoulder height with your elbows straight, and a band around the top of your feet. While standing tall with a slight lean forward, as fast as you can lift one...

HOW: Begin standing up with your hands against a wall with one knee up towards your chest. Drive the elevated leg down towards the floor then quickly exchange legs back to the starting position. This movement should be performed quickly and with power. Lean...

HOW: Example - right TFL. Get set-up standing followed by taking a step backwards and to the opposite side. For example, if you step with your right foot, it should be behind and to the left of your left foot. Now reach up into...

HOW: Grab the desired medball weight and lift it above your head with both hands. To initiate the throw, squeeze your core and think of moving your ribcage down and closer to your hips. At the same time as doing this, forcibly throw the...
