26 Jun Calf Stretch – Off Step
HOW: Place an elevated surface next to a wall. Stand on the surface and use the wall for support. Straighten one leg as you keep your toes on the surface and let your heel drop to the ground creating a stretch in that calf....
26 Jun Squat – Heels Elevated
HOW: Place two weight plates on the ground. Place your heels on the edge of each plate. From this position, perform a squat by bending at the knees and hinging forward at the hips. Push back up into the starting position and repeat. FEEL:...
26 Jun Posterior Step Down To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Stand on top of an elevated surface. Shift your weight to one leg and bend the other knee up. Begin to bend the knee you are standing on and hinge forward at the hips as you straighten your other leg directly behind the...
26 Jun Lateral Step Down To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Stand on top of an elevated surface. Shift your weight to one leg and bend the other knee up. Begin to bend the knee you are standing on and hinge forward at the hips as you straighten your other leg down to the...
26 Jun Inferior Shoulder Mobilization
HOW: Stand facing a wall. Loop a band around the bottom of your foot and bring your arm through the top part. The band should be placed just below the shoulder joint. Place that arm above your head with your hand on the wall...
26 Jun Anterior Step Down To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Stand on top of an elevated surface. Shift your weight to one leg and bend the other knee up. Begin to bend the knee you are standing on as you straighten your other leg down to mimic you stepping off of the surface....
26 Jun Hamstring Glider
HOW: Start in a standing position with a slider underneath one foot. Hold onto a dowel with the hand opposite side to the foot with the slider. Begin to slide back while keeping your knee straight. Load the other leg’s heel, push into the...
13 Jun Diagonal Bound
HOW: Shift your weight to one leg with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. Push into the ground, and hop in a forward diagonal motion landing with the opposite leg. Pause after landing, then perform the same forward...
13 Jun Depth Drop To Rotational Jump In Place
HOW: Begin by standing on an elevated surface. Step off of the surface with one foot and land with your feet about shoulder width apart. Absorb the landing by bending your knees and hinging forward at the waist. As you absorb the landing, push...
13 Jun Depth Drop To Broad Jump
HOW: Begin by standing on an elevated surface. Step off of the surface with one foot and land with both of your feet about shoulder width apart. Absorb the landing by bending your knees and hinging forward at the waist. As you absorb the...