HOW: Position the step against a wall. Place the balls of your feet on the edge of the step. Slightly bend your knees and raise your heels off of the ground. Your entire body should be going up with the heel raise. Hold onto...

HOW: Lay on your back close to a wall. Place your feet flat on the wall creating a 90 degree bend in your knees. Push into the wall with one leg without moving your leg or body. At the same time you’re pushing into...

HOW: Place a tennis ball, lacrosse ball, or any other small circular like object in between your heels. Squeeze the ball with your heelas and keep that constant tension during the whole exercise. Then, push up with your toes raising your heels. Make sure...

HOW: Start with your hips against the wall. Make sure your feet are about shoulder width apart. Bend over and place your elbows on your knees. Starting with your back flat, arch it downwards, then curve it upwards in a controlled, slow motion. Imagine...

HOW: Lay flat on the ground or table. Bend your knees and put your feet flat. Contract your core muscles and slowly push into the ground with your feet. Raise your hips first, then lower back, and finally your mid to upper back. Focus...

HOW: Place both heels on elevated surface. Keep knees slightly bent and drive your heels into the elevated surface lifting your hips up. Keep your arms relaxed and use your core and hamstrings to keep your hips elevated for a prescribed amount of time.   ...

HOW: Place heels on elevated surface. Arms relaxed to the side. Apply pressure through your heels lifting your hips up. Once level, lift one leg straight up while the other stabilizes your body. Alternate legs up and down while maintaining elevated hips.   FEEL: Muscles...

HOW: Laying on your back, bring your elbow up and straight out from your shoulder on the ground. Hold the dumbbell straight up creating a 90 degree bend at the elbow. Slowly rotate the shoulder back keeping that 90 degree bend in the elbow.   ...
