31 May Tandem Walking
HOW: Line up the heel of one foot to the toe of the opposite foot. Take steps forward, getting heel-to-toe contact with each subsequent step. This is to challenge a more narrow base of support, dynamically. Options to move forward and backward. Repeat for...
30 May Seated Big Toe Abduction – PROM, Band
HOW: Begin in a seated position. Anchor a band around the big toe. Pull on the band to abduct or pull the big toe from the midline of the body. Hold for the duration or perform for repetitions. FEEL: You may feel a stretch in the...
30 May Rear Foot Elevated Single Leg Pogo – Step Support
HOW: Using a step or a stair behind you, place one foot on the elevated surface with toe support. Keeping more of your weight on the foot in front, begin to bounce on the balls of the foot. Keep your ankle pointed down towards the...
30 May Front Foot Elevated Single Leg Pogo – Step Support
HOW: Using a step or a stair, place one foot on the elevated surface. Keeping more of your weight on the elevated foot, begin to bounce on the balls of the foot that is behind you keeping the knee relatively straight and allowing the motion...
05 Apr Supine Tibial Nerve Tensioner
HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot up towards you as well as point the foot out, proceed with the exercise,...
05 Apr Supine Tibial Nerve Glider
HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot up towards you and out to the side in an everted position, proceed with...
05 Apr Supine Sural Nerve Glider
HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot inward and the foot up towards you while gently bringing the hip in towards...
05 Apr Supine Peroneal Nerve Glider
HOW: Begin laying on your back with knees bent and both hands supporting the back of one thigh of the leg you intend to stretch. From here, point your foot down and in with your knees bent, slowly straighten your knee as you pull...
07 Sep Ankling Walk-Forward
HOW: Begin this exercise by lifting both heels off the floor with your legs relatively straight. From this position, you are going to keep your heels elevated as you quickly bounce through the ankles keeping the movement coming from the ankles. FEEL: You should...
07 Sep Heel to Toe Rocker
HOW: Begin this exercise standing with both feet comfortably underneath your hips. From here, rock forward pushing up on your toes into a heel raise. From this position, return to having both feet resting comfortably on the ground and then rock your weight back...