HOW: Standing with a wall in front of you, place the balls of your feet on the wall with one foot. Keep the knee straight as you lean forward to hold the stretch for as long as prescribed, and then relax.    FEEL: You should...

HOW: Standing with a wall in front of you, place the balls of your feet on the wall with one foot. Keep the knee straight as you lean forwards and backwards. Hold each stretch for a few seconds and repeat.    FEEL: You should feel...

HOW: Standing with a wall in front of you, place the balls of your feet on the wall with one foot. Keep the knee straight as you lean forward to hold the stretch for as long as prescribed, and then relax. While keeping your...

HOW: Standing tall with your feet together. While keeping your back upright, bend one knee as you straighten the other leg out and reach as far as you can. Do not let you heel come up. . Return to the starting position and repeat.    ...

HOW: Anchor a band close to the ground. In a seated position, place your ankle inside the loop of the band and have it wrapped underneath the side ankle bones. Cross the bands over the top of your foot as you bring your foot...

HOW: Begin by placing two weight plates on the ground in front of you. Stand on the edge of the plate with the balls of your feet, and your feet about shoulder width apart. Bend at the knees and hinge forward at the waist...

HOW:  In a kneeling position with one leg up and your foot flat on the ground. Lean forward as much as you can bending your knee and slightly bringing your heel off of the ground. Hold that position when you feel a good stretch...

HOW: While standing, bring one foot forward. Trace the outside edge of your foot, ankle, and toes on the ground using as much body weight as you can tolerate in a circular motion.      FEEL: You should feel the muscles in your foot and ankle...

HOW: While seated, loop a towel around the balls of your feet. Keep your knee straight and with both hands pull the towel towards you.    FEEL: You should feel a stretch in the back of your lower leg/calf.    COMPENSATION: Keep the knee straight, don’t...
