13 May Standing Ankle Dorsiflexion – Wall Supported
HOW: Standing with your back against the wall. Keep your back and hips against the wall and walk your feet out away from the wall. Slowly, bring your toes up while keeping your heels on the ground. Repeat as many reps as prescribed. FEEL:...
13 May Heel Raise Isometrics – Alternating, Wall Supported
HOW: Stand in front of a wall and bring your hands up and place them on the wall for support. Raise both of your heels up. Shift your weight from one foot to the other while staying in the heel raised position. FEEL: You...
11 May The Secret To Deep Squats: Unlock Your Tibia & Ankle Mobility
Description: Deep squats are as functional as it gets when it comes to functional movements. However, the majority of people around the world are unable to do this! BUT WHY?! In this video, we dive deep into what we believe to be the ultimate secret...
09 May Forward Bounding – Continuous
HOW: Start in a standing athletic position. Shift your bodyweight to one side, then jump forward and land on the opposite foot. Land softly and by bending at your hips, knee, and ankle slightly.by performing a small squat on the landing leg. Stay strong...
09 May Shin Soft Tissue Mobilization – Foam Roller
HOW: Start on all fours. Place the foam roller underneath your shin. Roll up down for the muscle on the outside of your shin bone. FEEL: You should feel a massage for the muscle on the outside of your shin bone in the front. ...
09 May Forward Bound
HOW: Start in a standing athletic position. Shift your bodyweight to one side, then jump forward and land on the opposite foot. Land softly and by bending at your hips, knee, and ankle slightly by performing a small squat on the landing leg. Stay...
09 May Bulgarian Split Squat – Heel Raise
HOW: Face away from an elevated surface. Place one foot behind you with your toes on the elevated surface. Squat down on the front leg keeping your weight centered on the front leg. Push up with the front leg back into the standing position,...
09 May Diagonal Bound – Continuous
HOW: Start in an athletic position. Shift your weight to one side. Jump off of that leg in a diagonal motion going forward. Land softly with the opposite leg. Stay strong in the hip, knee, and ankle as you land. Then, rapidly push off...
08 May Lateral Load And Lift
HOW: Start one hand against a wall. Push into the wall with your hip, knee, and ankle. This is your starting position. Slowly bend your hip, knee, and ankle to “load” your leg. Then, explosively push away into the wall. FEEL: You should feel...
08 May in-line Balance – Half Kneeling
HOW: Get set up in a half kneeling position, but have your foot and knee that is supported on the ground positioned in-line with one another. While rooting your body into the ground, maintain balance and the position for the time instructed. FEEL: This...