03 Aug Ankle Eversion – Band
HOW: Place a resistance band around your forefoot. Use your other foot to apply a line of resistance that is to the inside of your working ankle (shown in the video). Slowly push your ankle outwards. Imagine you are a car windshield wiper cleaning...
03 Aug Ankle Plantarflexion and Dorsiflexion – AROM
HOW: Move your ankle forward and backward in a pumping motion. The goal is to get comfortable with this forward and backward ankle range of motion. FEEL: You should feel all different parts of your ankle stretching and activating. COMPENSATION: Move just from the...
03 Aug Ankle Inversion and Eversion – AROM
HOW: Move your ankle from side to side like a windshield wiper. The goal is to get comfortable with this side to side ankle range of motion. FEEL: You should feel all different parts of your ankle stretching and activating. COMPENSATION: Move just from...
03 Aug Ankle Alphabet
HOW: Draw the alphabet with your ankle. You can draw a CAPITAL or lowercase or lowercase alphabet. If after a surgery or injury, make sure to follow the instructions of your physical therapist as there may be ranges of motion you want to be...
16 Jul Leg Swing – Frontal, Behind
HOW: Start first by balancing on one leg. Once you feel you are balanced, slowly bring your other leg behind you and move it left and right. As you move your leg, you'll notice that balancing is harder! The faster and the greater distance...
16 Jul Seated Heel Raise
HOW: Sit down with your feet directly below your knees. Drive the balls of your feet into the ground and raise your heels off the ground. Your knees should come up in the position while the balls of your feet remain in contact with...
16 Jul Seated Single Leg Heel Raise
HOW: Sit down with your foot directly below your knee. You will be performing this exercise with only one leg. Drive the balls of your feet into the ground and raise your heels off the ground. Your knees should come up in the position...
16 Jul Ankle Plantarflexion Isometrics – In Plantarflexion
HOW: In a comfortable sitting position with your feet out in front of you, place a resistance band around the balls of your foot. Point your foot forward and down towards the floor. This is your starting position. Slowly pull on the resistance band...
16 Jul Ankle Plantarflexion Isometrics – In Neutral
HOW: In a comfortable sitting position with your feet out in front of you, place a resistance band around the balls of your foot. Keep your foot in a neutral position, with the toes pointed straight up and your ankle at a 90 deg...
16 Jul Inversion Windshield Wiper – Band
HOW: Place a resistance band around your forefoot, holding onto the band with your hand to the outside of your foot or tying the band to a sturdy anchor. Apply resistance to the band by pulling the band with your hands or by scooting...