HOW: Place a bosu ball in front of you on the ground with the blue side up. Step onto the middle of the ball and slightly bend your knee.  Keep your other knee bent and off of the ball. Balance on the one leg...

HOW: Place a bosu ball a few feet to the side of you with the ball side up. Step to the side with the foot closer to the bosu and land on the ball bending at the knee, glutes back, and slightly bending your...

HOW: Place a bosu ball a few feet to the side of you with the ball side up.  Shift all of your weight to the outside leg and bend the knee up that is closest to the bosu ball. With the leg balancing on...

HOW: Begin by placing a bosu ball on the ground in front of you a couple of feet with the ball side up. While on one leg, jump forwards onto the ball and land with the opposite foot. Then immediately jump back into the...

HOW: Begin by placing a bosu ball on the ground in front of you a couple of feet with the ball side up. On one leg, hop forwards onto the ball with the foot that was balancing and immediately jump back into the starting...

HOW: Start in a split stance position with one foot forward and the other foot behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Load most of your weight into the front leg. From this position, lift your heels up. Make sure to lift...

HOW: Standing on one leg, try to lift your arch up while keeping your toes and heel on the ground. Hold for the prescribed amount of time.    FEEL: You should feel your calves and foot muscles working.    COMPENSATION: Keep your knee straight, don’t bend...

HOW: Standing with a wall in front of you, shift your weight to one foot and bend the other knee up. While balancing on your foot, try to lift your arch up while keeping your toes and heel on the ground. Use the wall...
