20 Apr Single Leg Balance – Band, Controlled Supination
HOW: Once your band is anchored, step away from the anchor to increase resistance. Hold the band with both hands and press in front of you. Shift your weight onto the leg closest to the anchored band. While balancing on the one leg, slowly...
20 Apr Seated Pigeon Stretch
HOW: While seated, cross the leg you want to stretch over your other knee. Sit up straight and lean forward, hinging at the hips. Lean as far as you comfortably can. FEEL: You should feel a stretch in your hip muscles as you lean...
20 Apr Serratus Scoop – External Rotation, Band
HOW: While standing, place the band around your wrist with your palms up facing the ceiling. Squeeze your shoulder blades back and create tension in the band by moving your arms out. Keep the tension in the band as you move your arms forwards...
20 Apr Evil Clam – Band
HOW: While laying on your side, bend your knees and bring them forward. Make sure the band is looped around your ankles. Keeping your knees together, lift your top foot away from your bottom foot, against the resistance of the band. FEEL: You should feel all...
20 Apr Clam – Internal and External Rotation
HOW: With your knees bent laying on your side, bring them slightly forward. Move your top leg up towards the sky and extend it backwards. While your leg is up in that position, keep your knee bent and stabilized while you rotate your hip...
20 Apr Clam – Internal Rotation
HOW: Lay on your side and slightly bring both knees forward. Bend both knees and bring them up, almost to your hips. Lift your heel off of the bottom heel, bringing your foot up towards the ceiling. Make sure to keep your knees stay...
20 Apr Elbow Supination – Band
HOW: With the band anchored to the inside of you, walk out to get tension. Keep your elbow at your side and raise your forearm up, creating a 90 degree angle from your shoulder to your hand. While holding the band, start with your...
14 Apr Split Stance Lunge – Anti-rotation
HOW: Begin by placing a strap looped through one shoulder as shown in the video. Move into a split stance by placing with the back heel off the ground. Be sure to place 70-80% of your weight in your front leg and 20-30% in...
14 Apr Single Leg RDL – Anti-rotation
HOW: Begin by placing a strap looped through one shoulder as shown in the video. While balancing on one leg, hinge at your hips. This is achieved by bring your torso forward and pushing your butt back. Kicking out the back leg may make...
14 Apr Lateral Lunge – Anti-rotation
HOW: Begin by placing a strap looped through one shoulder as shown in the video. Then take a large step to your side pushing into the resistance band. The larger the step, the deeper you will be able to go with this exercise. Once...