16 Feb Split Stance Towel Scoop Toss – Feed Out
HOW: Position yourself fairly close to a wall holding a towel with both hands that will reach the wall. Get into the split stance position with your inside leg forward and your knee slightly bent. The outside leg is back with your toes pushing...
16 Feb Split Stance Towel Scoop Toss – Feed In
HOW: Position yourself fairly close to a wall holding a towel with both hands that will reach the wall. Get into the split stance position with your outside leg forward and your knee slightly bent. The inside leg is back with your toes pushing...
16 Feb Single Leg Squat Pallof
HOW: Start out anchoring a band and holding the opposite end with both arms and have some tension on it. Shift your weight to the leg leg closest to the anchor. Engage your core and do not let the band pull you in as...
16 Feb Rainbow Towel Whip – Alternating
HOW: Start in a standing position while holding a towel with both hands. Move the towel to one side and then bring it up overhead and whip it to the ground on the opposite side. This rainbow motion can be repeated on both sides...
16 Feb Rainbow Medball Slam – Alternating
HOW: Start in a standing position while holding a medball with both hands. Move the ball to one side and then bring it up overhead and slam it to the ground on the opposite side. This rainbow motion can be repeated on both sides...
16 Feb Medball Shot Put Throw – Step Forward
HOW: Start by holding onto a medball standing near a wall that is on one side of you. Take a step towards the wall with your inside foot and at the same time pivot with the outside foot and use your core and hips...
16 Feb Medball Scoop Toss – Step Forward
HOW: Start by holding a medball while standing fairly close to a wall to the side of you. Begin by stepping laterally with the inside leg towards the wall. Load that leg up by slightly bending the knee, hinging forward at the waist. As...
16 Feb Medball Scoop Toss – Step Back
HOW: Start by holding a medball while standing fairly close to a wall to the side of you. Begin by stepping back with the outside leg away from the wall. Load that leg up by slightly bending the knee, hinging forward at the waist,...
16 Feb Double Inside Hop to Medball Throw – Sideways
HOW: Begin by holding a medball at your waist with your body perpendicular to a wall. Slight squat down by bending both knees and hinging forward at the hips. Shift your weight to the outside leg(away from the wall). Hop two times with that...
16 Feb Crow Hop To Rainbow Towel Slam
HOW: Grab onto a towel with both hands and start in a standing position while holding the towel at chest height. Begin the crow hop by taking your outside foot and crossing it over the other foot. Then, take the original inside foot and...