27 Oct Neck Side Bend – AROM
HOW: Start in an upright seated position. Without moving your upper body, tilt the top of your head to one side. Think about bringing your ear down to your shoulder. FEEL: You should feel your neck muscles working. COMPENSATION: Don’t rotate your head while side bending. Don’t...
27 Oct Neck Rotation – AROM
HOW: Start in an upright seated position. Without moving your upper body, look to the either side while only using your neck muscles to move your head and not your shoulders or trunk. Perform to whatever side is prescribed. FEEL: You should feel your neck muscles...
29 May Single Arm Shoulder Press – 3 Way, Band
HOW: In a standing position, anchor a band underneath the foot of the arm you want to work. You can stagger your feet or have them at about hip/shoulder width apart. For the first press position, rotate your torso to the opposite side, bend...
29 May Single Arm Arnold Press – Band
HOW: In a standing position, anchor a band underneath the foot of the arm you want to work. Bring that band up to where it is on each side of your bent elbow and have your fist facing backwards. Rotate the arm out to...
29 May Pec Fly To Press – Band
HOW: Loop a band around each hand and then place the band behind your back under your shoulder blades. Lay back onto the band with your knees bent up and feet flat on the ground. Bring your arms out from the shoulder creating a...
29 May Half Kneeling Single Arm Shoulder Press – 3 Way, Band
HOW: Start in a half kneeling position with one knee bent up in front of you with the foot planted on the ground and the other knee on the ground. Anchor a band underneath the front foot and grab the one end with the...
29 May Bird Dog T – Band
HOW: Get set up in a quadruped position with both hands and knees on the ground. Have your hands straight down from your shoulders with a band anchored underneath your hands. Kick one leg straight out from your hip while keeping your back flat...
07 May Supine Hip External Rotation – Band
HOW: Lie on your back and loop a band around both feet. With your legs straight out, keep one leg stable as the other foot pushes the band out and back in. FEEL: You should feel your hip muscles working. COMPENSATION: Only allow motion...
07 May Standing Weighted Shoulder Alphabet
HOW: Grab onto a weight of some sort. Raise the weight straight up and stop at shoulder height. From here, draw the alphabet out in capital or lowercase letters all the way to Z. FEEL: You should feel your shoulder muscles working. COMPENSATION: Only...
07 May Standing Hip Flexor Stretch – Dynamic, Rotation
HOW: In a standing position, step back with one leg pushing your toes into the ground slightly bending your knee. Then, twist your torso slightly to the side you stepped back and raise that same side’s arm up at the same time. Do this...